Chapter 15, Relationships (JPOV)

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I watched quietly as Bella walked out into the garden. What's the ulterior motive then? I thought.  

"Jacob, I don't have an ulterior motive, I was genuinely worried about Esme" Edward stated.  

"Oh, Um, Sorry Man" I paused "I thought that maybe you wanted to have a go at me or something- I mean, I wouldn't blame you if you did. I know I've messed up"  

"Yes, you have" Edward stated "But, you never set out to hurt her. I know you could never do that" he paused, "But, you have to understand Jacob, I am her father, It is my job to protect her"  

"I know, I really am sorry. I didn't, even for a second, think she'd act like that. After you told me how she was feeling about me ..." I sighed remembering the awkward conversation me and Edward had just after Dad died, when he'd told me that Ness was in love with me. " I guess I just thought that it would make thing's right?... oh, I don't know what I was thinking"  

"She had to find out sometime" he shrugged "we always knew it wasn't going to easy" he paused as if he had something else to say, when he didn't speak I just sat back in the chair. "Jacob, I owe you an apology", I sat in silence, stunned, as he leant forward in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose. Finally, he looked back up at me and continued "believe it or not Jacob, Over the year's, I have come to care for you, like a brother, I know that's probably hard to believe given our history but I have. I want nothing more than to see you finally happy. I owe you more than you can imagine. But Nessie's my child, I can't help but feel protective over her. It's in my nature. I have accepted that you will be with her. It just hurt's me to see it right now. In my mind she's still a child." he sighed "I am afraid I'm going to loose her ... to you." I was speechless, I couldn't move. Did Edward really just say that to me? Wow! I never saw that coming!  

"I'm not trying to take her from you Edward" was all I could manage  

"I'm aware of that" he replied "But you of all people should know how badly feelings can affect your judgement at time's" I nodded in response to him "All I ask is that you take thing's ... slow" he shuddered. I suddenly realised what he was getting at.  

"Whoa!! No! I'm not even- even contemplating anything like that!" I choked  

"I know, but, after tonight I have a feeling you two will be getting ... closer, and all I ask is that you keep her as ... innocent" he flinched "as possible, at least until the times right" was I really having the sex talk with Edward regarding his daughter? Ugh! I saw Edward laugh slightly to himself, probably at my thought's "I'm sorry I've made you feel uncomfortable Jacob, it seem's I have a habit of doing that, I can assure you it is not intentional"  

"Um, it's OK" I coughed "But, I think that my 5 minutes are up, I should head upstairs and speak to Ness" I uttered embarrassed.  

"Of Course" Edward nodded, his smile still dominant on his face. I took that as my cue to leave and dashed towards the stairs. Feeling remarkably like a naughty school boy leaving the principle's office.

I took a deep breath before knocking on Nessie's door.  

"Yes?" came my angels voice  

"Ness, its me" I called  

"Come in"  

I took another breath, and then walked into the room. She was sitting at her vanity, looking as beautiful as ever, her hair cascading down her back, her cheek's, slightly flushed as always. And her eye's, Nessie's eye's are the most beautiful shade of brown imaginable. She was perfect.  

"Ness," I began "I am so, sorry. I never meant to upset you like that, I ..." she cut me off, holding up her hand at me, a trait she picked up from Bella.  

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