Chapter 68: Volterra

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  • Dedicated to Andrew Mcclean

[A/N: Thanks to every-one for continually reading and supporting! PLEASE don't forget to vote guys!!!

The link to our Still Dawn Facebook page is:!/pages/Still-Dawn-The-Saga-Continues/145208038834367

Thanks to my Dad; Andrew McClean for his help with this entry!

Please Join and keep suggesting to friends! We are nearing the end of this story now but if we gain enough interest I will be writing a sequel!

Susan xx]


"We don't have time for this" I hissed "We can just go without them"

"No" Kate screeched, "We need everyone we can get"

"Actually Kate, I just need my daughter back" I growled "I will go alone if I have to"

"Bella love, that won't help matter's. We will give them another 20 minute's and if they are not back by then we will leave" Edward sighed, wrapping his strong, comforting arm's around my chest.

Eleazar and Carmen had dashed out the door around an hour ago with a promise to return shortly. I was growing increasingly annoyed at how long their 'shortly' was becoming. We didn't have time to wait. Renesmee needed us, and every minute she was with them was a minute too long as far as I was concerned.

"I agree with Bella" Jake scowled from the corner of the room, "We don't have time"

"Jacob" Edward cautioned, a warning tone underlying his voice. "You're not helping"

"No Edward!" Jake yelled, jumping up from his crouched position and walking toward's my husband "You're not helping! How is sitting around here doing nothing helping? How is that getting your daughter back?"

"Boy's!" Esme sighed "let's behave shall we?"

Jacob stopped in his track's and turned to face me, a pitiful look on his face. I shrugged, letting him know I felt the same way. Surely there was nothing or no one, which could be more important than Nessie right now. I was beginning to feel quite angry, it was rather inconsiderate of them.

"Relax; love" Edward sighed "There is nothing for you to worry about. I am certain they will be back shortly"

"How can you be so certain?" I snapped, turning my head around to face his. He simply nodded his head in Alice's direction and smiled sheepishly. I sighed; feeling slightly more relaxed than I had done. Unfortunately it was at this point that Nahuel chose to make his way over to me.

"Bella?" he called, a half hearted smile spreading across his lip's. I rolled my eye's at Edward as I turned to look Nahuel in the face; I didn't say a word but simply looked at him waiting expectantly for whatever it was he wanted to say.

"Don't" Edward hissed over my shoulder, his exchange clearly meant for Nahuel.

The half vampire ignored him and opened his mouth to speak to me,

"I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for your loss"

"What?" I screeched. Stepping further away from Edward and heading toward's Nahuel. "I. Haven't. Lost. Anything" I growled, now closing in on him so that my face was only inches from his "My. Daughter. Is. Coming. Home"

"Whoa! Bella!" Nahuel exclaimed, holding his hand's up defensively between us. "I never meant to offend you! I'm sorry!"

"Love, calm down" Edward whispered in my ear as he reached me, "He just wasn't thinking"

"Wasn't thinking?" I scowled, turning around to face him again "then tell me Edward, what the hell is the point of having someone here who doesn't even know how to think straight? What use is he" I turned back looking at Nahuel, "to us?"

"I'm sorry Bella" Nahuel repeated "I just meant-" he sighed "Well I don't know what I meant. I was trying to show I care"

"By acting as if my daughter is dead?" I screeched, "I don't know where you come from Nahuel but from where I come from that kind of thing isn't helpful!"

Nahuel bowed his head at me "I am sorry" he backed away then, just in time for me to hear the suite door open. It was only now as I turned to face the opening door that I noticed everyone in the room had stopped to stare at Nahuel's and my exchange. I barely had time to take in all the expression's though, for in that same moment Carmen and Eleazar walked back through the door.

"At last!" I sighed, looking around the room and counting the number's in my head. Everyone was here. "Can we go now?"

"Yes" Edward said, his voice no more than I whisper. I took in the look on his face, he was staring intently at Carmen and Eleazar. I wondered what they could be thinking that would spark such intensity, before deciding that I didn't care. All I was worried about was my daughter. They could resolve their own issue's later on.

"Then let's go!" Jacob announced, striding across the room to stand by my side.

This was all part of my plan, and I knew I needed to stick to the plan that Jake and I had come up with if we stood any chance of bringing Nessie home. Nobody else knew what we were planning. They didn't need to. The more people that knew the less likely our plan was to work. The wolves wouldn't know until they had already phased, and if everything went to plan then there would be no way for anyone else to find out until it was over.

"Let's move" Edward agreed, still not tearing his gaze away from Carmen and Eleazar. The feeling's of wonder briefly flickered through my mind once more before I reminded myself once again that I didn't care. I turned to face the door, mumbling to myself;

"I'm ready"

It was already dark out so it didn't take us long to run in the direction of Volterra. Our hotel was only a few short mile's outside the city and with the darkness cloaking us we all ran it under ten minute's. As we raced through the street's of Volterra, remaining as silent as possible I had the uneasy sense of De-Ja-Vu. The vague human memories of running through this same city flashed through my mind;

Pushing past everyone in red cloak's in a race to save Edward, my love, my soul mate. My reason for existing. Though the road's were now empty and the street's bore no physical reminder of our time here the memories still came flooding back to haunt me.

Then I remembered going down into the Volturi's chamber. The feeling of fear that was coursing through my, then functioning, vein's. The intense feeling's of horror when Jane had unleashed her 'gift' on Edward. And then the feeling of relief as we had left.

Followed the next day by sheer elation as I realised I had Edward,here with me, he wasn't going anywhere.

I felt fear begin to flood me again as I realised that these people, if that's what you could call them, would be more than capable of subjecting my precious Renesmee to the same taunt's and suffering that they had us. Only now they had a much longer period to do it in. Heaven only know's what they could have done to her in this time period.

My thought's had been running amok and before I realised it we were gathered at the entrance to the Volturi's chamber's. Jacob still was standing faithfully at my side. The other wolves had all disappeared somewhere. I figured that Jacob had given them their order's, at least I hoped he had.

Edward walked over and took my hand, squeezing it tightly as we all took a first step forward, in perfect synchronisation toward's the building. To face the Volturi.

To get my daughter home, I just hoped my plan would work.

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