chapter 35, gone

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It had been 3 day's since Rosalie and Emmett had left. Their car's still sat in the garage untouched, their bedroom door had remained closed. The family felt incomplete. Sure, there had been time's when they had been away from the house for longer than this, but this time, we knew they weren't coming back. I was the only one in the house, other than Carlisle, who was even remotely speaking to Edward. Like me, they too were disappointed that he had been so narrow minded about the situation. But he was my husband, and I loved him. That didn't mean that I agreed with him though.

"Nessie, talk to me" Edward pleaded. My daughter looked at him and scowled, before walking past and going to sit on Jacob's lap. Nessie hadn't uttered a word to her father since I'd announced that Rosalie and Emmett had left. She had simply acted is if he wasn't here. Up until yesterday when she took to scowling at him every time he so much as looked at her. Edward had practically begged me to talk to her, but to be honest, I was just as annoyed as she was.  

"Mom?" Nessie asked  

"Yes sweetheart?"  

"Will you and him get a divorce now?" she asked, glaring at Edward  

"Of course not. Why would you say that?"  

"Because I want you to!" she huffed, grabbing Jacob's hand and walking out of the room.

"Now that really is too much" Edward hissed at me  

"What do you want me do to about it?" I argued  

"At least try and talk to her love?"  

"No Edward. This is your mess. You deal with it" I spat "What did you expect?"  

"Not this" he insisted, throwing his arm's up in the air "how many time's do I have to apologize?"  

"No amount of apologie's are going to bring half her family back are they?" I said, getting up from the couch and walking toward's the kitchen  

"Now where are you going?" he asked  

"To try and get hold of Rose again" I shouted over my shoulder. I don't know why I was bothering, I had rung at least 20 time's over the past few day's, and she hadn't answered once. Emmett's phone was constantly switched off. They obviously didn't want to talk to us. But still, I had to try.

"Hey, This is Rosalie" chimed the voice-mail "I'm either too busy, or you're too unimportant to talk to. So leave me a message and I'll ring you back. If I can be bothered"  

"Hey Rose, it's Bella" I began "I know this is like, the 6th message I've left today, but I need to know you're all OK. Nessie's really cut up about you going. I miss you" I sighed as I hung up the phone, I couldn't help but feel responsible in some way. Maybe I should have tried harder to talk her round. Or demanded Edward apologize or something. Anything but this. Esme was utterly distraught, we hadn't even seen much of her, she was refusing to so much as look at Edward. As it turn's out, in the few day's he was here Henry had made quite an impact on all of them. Especially Ness, Esme and Alice. I was just sorry that I never got to meet him.

"I'm sorry Bella" came Edward's voice behind me "I miss them too"  

"Well you should have thought about that before shouldn't you?" I snapped, walking straight past him,  

"I never thought for a second that Rose was being serious" he quipped. I turned quickly to face,  

"WHAT?" I screeched, causing him to flinch when he realised he'd said the wrong thing "You knew she was going to leave? And you still acted like a complete arse!"  

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