Chapter 30, best gift

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I was sat watching everyone, trying to let happiness return to my body, but I was worried. Edward had said he needed to go out and get something, but that he would be back in under 10 minute's. I was slightly worried that something was wrong. Why else would he leave me on our wedding day? The wolves were now dancing with either their partner's, or in small group's. Alice and Jasper were sat behind the DJ booth. Rose and Emmett, along with Esme and Carlisle were dancing in the middle of the gazebo. Renesmee was dancing close up with Jacob, and looked to be really enjoying herself. I was still sat at the table alone when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Would you care to dance Mr's Cullen?" said a familiar voice behind me. I turned around and gasped at the person stood there.  

"Dad?" I choked, "what are you...?"  

"Me and Sue drove up yesterday" he told me, smiling widely "Edward said it may be possible for us to attend part of the reception" he shrugged "and that he'd come and get us when it was clear. We stayed in a hotel nearby" I could see Edward stood behind Charlie, with a smile on his face. I leapt from my chair and threw myself into Charlie's arm's,  

"I'm so glad you're here" I cried  

"Me too Bells, you look ... unbelievable" he choked, pulling back slightly to look at me. I could see a few tear's in his eye's. "now about that dance?" he smiled  

"Of course" I nodded, taking his hand and letting him lead me to the dance floor, I could see Sue at the other side of the gazebo talking to Leah, she smiled at me genuinely and waved.  

We reached the floor just as the current song ended, and 'Wonderful tonight' began playing through the speaker's.  

"good song" Charlie smiled  

"Yeah" I agreed "it's a great song" I said, swaying to the music with my father.  

"I meant because of how beautiful you look Bell's" he grinned at me. I smiled back and tilted my head forward and leaned slightly on his chest. I stayed there until the song ended, swaying softly to the music.  

"Thank-you so much Dad" I choked  

"I love you Bells" he sighed, running his hand up my cold, bare arm  

"I love you Dad, more than you'll ever know"

Next it was my turn to dance with Emmett,  

"So, what did you make of my speech?" he grinned at me, dragging me across the dance floor, I flinched slightly at the reminder and then forced myself to smile,  

"It was ...." I paused, trying to think of a good word, I gave up in the end and told him the truth "embarrassing" I admitted, with a slight laugh  

"I bet you're glad your dad wasn't here for that then?"  

"Yes" I hissed through my teeth.

"May I cut in?" came Jasper's voice toward's the end of the song,  

"Sure" smiled Emmett, bending down to kiss me lightly on the cheek, and then turning to go and find Rose again.  

"How are you?" Jasper asked, taking my hand  

"You should know better than I do" I told him  

"Well, that's why I asked" he admitted "I'm getting mixed emotion's from you today"  

"I'm happier now Charlie's here" I told him honestly  

"I am glad. Alice said you'd like your surprise"  

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