chapter 33, henry, rpov

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[A/N: Another huge thanks to Niki Hopkins, for her help with this entry, she actually wrote part of it. Well done :)  

Thanks again to everyone for reading and following this story! I appreciate you all!  

Susan xx]

CHAPTER 33: HENRY (Rosalie's POV)

"Alice? Exactly when are they going to be back?" I asked, trying to think of way's to protect our thought's so that Edward wouldn't find out what I'd done. I knew he was going to throw a fit as soon as he found out and I wanted it to be special. I was going to ask Em to take him out for a walk in the wood's. Far enough away that he wouldn't be able to hear them. I'd asked Jacob to take Nessie out too. If Edward did over react Ness didn't need to see or hear that. Not when she was so happy with the newest member of our family.  

I had instructed everyone to think about something else when they first arrived and that we would then have a family meeting to tell them. I may be taking it a bit far, but I'd even told them all what to think about. Me, I was going to recite Advanced Vehicle Technology by Heinz Heisler. Alice was going to go through every item of her wardrobe in great detail, Jasper was easy, he was going to sing Yellow rose of Texas, I'd asked Esme to replay all the decorating programme's she watche's in her head and I had asked Carlisle to recite his favourite medical book. Edward already knew something was going on, but at least he wouldn't be able to read our mind's. After year's of practice I think we have finally come up with way's to keep our thought's from Edward. "They'll be here in 18 minutes Rose, do you honestly think this'll work? He's going to hit the roof." Alice said  

"It has to" I sighed, "I won't loose him" I walked over to Emmett and Henry, "Em, I think it's time you two took that walk" I told him. He nodded and kissed me before leaving the room with Henry.  

"Now" I began addressing the rest of my family, "Remember what I told you, just act normal, and think about what I told you to OK?"  

"It won't work Rose!" Alice sang,  

"It will" I insisted "at least for long enough to get them to listen without judging"  

"I will go along with this Rose" Carlisle said "but you know as well as I do that Edward isn't going to be happy with this"  

"well he doesn't have a choice" I snapped "I put up with Bella when he decided he wanted to date a human, so he can at least have the decency to accept my decision now"  

"It's hardly the same" Jasper defended  

"No" I snapped again "His decision was worse!"  

"That's debatable" he said under his breath. Choosing to ignore his comment I made my way over to the couch. I sat back and looked around the room, taking in everything I had been and brought for Henry. I allowed my mind to wander back two day's to when we found him.


"Em, I need to hunt" I told him, as I walked into our bedroom. He was sprawled out on the bed, writing in his prank book. "More prank's Em, really?"  

"Hey" he shrugged, looking up at me "I need to be prepared for when the newly wed's get home"  

"Fine. Well, I need to hunt. Do you want to come?"  

"I don't need to babe. But I will come if you want me to?"  

"No. It's fine" I sighed "Alice need's to go anyway"  

"You sure?"  

"Yep, I'll see you later OK?"  

"OK baby" he smiled widely, turning back to his prank book. I turned and walked out of the room,and headed back downstairs.  

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