Chapter 51: Response (Jacobs POV)

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I'd meticulously planned every detail, the trip away, the date falling on the anniversary of my Mom and Dad's engagement, the flower's, the candle's, the picnic. I had the rest of the pack to thank also, they'd given it so much hard work and had really impressed me. I couldn't have imagined it better. They'd laid out the beach perfectly, rose petal's and plastic love heart's had been scattered as far as the eye could see on the sand, and the candle's on the rock's had been a lovely touch, one I hadn't even thought of myself. I made a mental note to thank Emily later, I was sure that had been her idea. Ness had seemed completely overwhelmed by the whole situation, and I was certain she hadn't expected this. It seem's she thought there was something to be worried about, rather than something exciting. We'd had a lovely hour on the beach, enjoying the picnic that Em had put together for us, and she seemed to relax as the evening wore on. Eventually, after telling her about my parent's anniversary, I had managed to pluck up enough courage to actually ask her.

"Ness- I love you. I will alway's love you. You have made me the person that I am today" I began, whilst reaching behind me to get the grey drawstring bag I'd had attached to the inside of my trouser's. "Without you Nessie, I don't feel complete" I smiled, now holding the ring box in my closed hand, "And I want us to spend the rest of our live's together. I know thing's have been tough, and I'm not foolish enough to believe that thing's wont become more complicated, but I do know that between us, we can get through everything".

"Renesmee Carlie Cullen, I love you, more than anything else in this world" I said proudly, getting ready to show her the ring, "Would you please do me the honour, of becoming my wife?" I asked, opening the ring box I'd made her to reveal Mom's engagement ring. Ness's face was priceless, she looked like she was experiencing 101 emotion's all at once. I hope that's a good thing. I had been really nervous about asking her, I was so frightened she'd say no. She was so much like Bella was, and from what I'd been told Bella had turned Edward down numerous time's. I suddenly found myself feeling rather sorry for Edward, not a feeling I was accustomed to having. Ness still hadn't said anything, now I was nervous. "It was my mother's" I told her, trying to sound as confident as possible. She still wasn't answering me, she looked in shock.

"Really?" she eventually asked, her voice sounding strained.  

"Really" I nodded, silently relieved that she had found her voice again. I noticed some tear's building up in her eye's. Had I upset her? Maybe Bella had been right, this wasn't such a good idea.  

"Jake..." she sighed, sounding breathless "tonight has been wonderful" I was waiting for the 'but', though it didn't come, Ness looked up from the box to look me in the eye.  

"I- I- I Love you" she spluttered, still taking in everything I had said to her in the past few minute's, "And I would love to marry you" she grinned.

Without realizing what I was doing I dropped the ring box on the floor, jumped to my feet and pulled her up into my arm's, swinging her around whilst we laughed together. There are no word's to describe the joy and happiness flooding through me at this point.  

"Jake" she laughed "Put me down before you squeeze me to death!"  

"Oh, sorry babe!" I laughed, setting her back on the floor. "I'm just so happy"  

"I know" she grinned "Me too" I reached down to the floor and picked up the ring box, which was now laid open, face down in the sand. I quickly blew off the excess sand and took it from it's box,  

"Wait" Ness interrupted as I went to reach for her hand. What? Has she changed her mind?  

"OK..." I sighed, making no effort to disguise the confused look that was surely spread across my face.  

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