Chapter 5

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We went to the library and noticed it was nearly empty. It was dead silent, we have never heard this much quiet at the library before. Many people came here to study and work. But today, it was like everyone just disappeared.

"It's quiet today," Darelyn said, shocked to see barely anyone here.

"That's good, it means we will have no disruptions while we work," Sheera said smiling.


"What is it?" The librarian said. She came out of this little building and seemed quite angry with Stacey.

"Oh sorry, Librarian I was just checking if anyone was here," Stacey politely said, surprisingly.

"Well, it is a long weekend so I'm assuming many people went to go somewhere," the librarian replied. "Well, have fun studying girls."

"I can't believe how many people get to go to places on long weekends." We said looking around.

"Yeah, I never get to go anywhere," Sheera said looking at the ground.

"My god Sheera I can't believe you," Stacey said crossing her arms.

"What?!" Sheera said raising her voice.

"You go to your bed, duh, that's a place," Stacey said flipping her hair.

"I meant outside the realm of Australia," Sheera said, I think she was getting tired of Stacey.

"Guys, can you actually work," Sarah said, focusing on her laptop.

Everyone went silent. You could only hear the typing of keyboards, and well, also the sound of Stacey doing makeup.

"Seriously Stacey, can't you actually work," We said rolling our eyes at her.

"Well, I have to work on my face, duh," Stacey said, waiting for someone to talk back to her.

"Aren't you going to ask me why?"

"No," We all replied.

"Well, if you must know, I'm meeting some guy called Mufasa," Stacey said opening her make-up mirror.

Suddenly little giggles start coming into the room. Sarah, Sheera and Darelyn couldn't stop giggling on what Stacey said.

"Why are you guys like laughing?" We say confused.

"'s just so...funny," They said laughing.

"Oh my god, why? you think I'm not a pretty girl?" Stacey said closing her mirror.

 "No, no, it's not that," Sheera replied still giggling. 

"We just wanted to know if you like him," Darelyn said.

"Oh my god, like yeah, I love Mufasa." 

When she said that we suddenly realised what was so funny. Suddenly all of us, except Stacey start laughing our heads off. If you don't get it, Mufasa sounds like, my face. So essentially Stacey is saying I love my face which may not sound hilarious but our group laughs at the stupidest things.

Stacey started getting really confused, then she checked the time. "Oh my god, oh my god, I'm going to be late!" Stacey exclaimed as she packed up and rushed out of the library.

"Finally." We said in relief.

All of us were finally glad that she was gone. We realised we needed a book for our English assignment. So we got up and went to the non-fiction area.

"Olivia-Jolie..." the same mysterious voice from before said. We turned around and saw nobody there.

'What was that?' Olivia side said.

'I have no idea,' Jolie side said.

"Olivia-Jolie..." The mysterious voice said again.

We turned around and decided to follow it. We went all the way to the back of the library. We had never seen this part of the library before. It was dark with one light working, although, it did keep flashing. Our heart started to beat really fast. Suddenly, we noticed this strange door at the end of the corridor. It was rusty and brown, made with planks of wood. 

'That's odd,' Jolie side said.

'Yeah and scary, maybe we should go back.' Olivia side said. 

'Yeah, let's go back, I don't like this place.' 

We went back towards the way we came from, but then we heard the mysterious voice again.

"Olivia-Jolie, Come..."

We turned back and noticed the door flung open. We decided that we shouldn't listen to this voice. We've seen enough horror movies to know that you should never ever listen to some strange weird voice calling your name.

"No," we both said to the voice walking away. We suddenly saw this weird black figure walking towards us. We fell to the ground and didn't run away. we were frozen in fear.

"Oh my god, guys, what are you doing back here in this ugly corridor," Stacey said putting her face into the light.

"Stacey, oh my god you scared us," We said in relief.

"What are you doing here?" We said to Stacey.

"Oh, the weird Mufasa guy kept saying, I love Mufasa over and over again. It was getting quite annoying so I just left. I mean, who is that self-obsessed right?"

"Yeah..." we said rolling our eyes at Stacey.

"Stacey..." A weird voice said it was coming from the door. 

"Oh my god, like what do you want door?" Stacey said dusting herself.

"Come..." It said.

Stacey stupidly listened and went towards the door.

"Stacey! Don't..." We stopped talking because the door suddenly flung open.

"Ooh, I like that shade of lipstick," Stacey said to the door as it shows a tube of lipstick.

"Stacey don't you dare touch..." Stacey touched the lipstick and she flew back and went out the corridor, with some strange glitter dust following her. The glitter dust fell on top of her and she closed her eyes. We quickly rush towards her shaking her body to see if she would wake up.

"Stacey, Stacey!" We said but she wasn't waking up. Suddenly, her body flung back to the library with the wall closing behind her.

"No!" We say rushing towards the closing wall. Just as we reached it, it fully closed. We banged and banged on the wall hoping it would open, but it didn't budge. 

We turned our heads to face the door. 

"What did you do to her?" We say, in a scared tone.

"Don't worry, she will be fine..." The door said. "You just may not be."

The door once again, flung open showing some weird black tentacle. It was coming towards us. We banged and banged as hard as we could on the wall. It wasn't doing anything except giving us bruises. Suddenly we felt something slimy touch the back of our legs. we turned around and saw that the black tentacle had wrapped around our legs. It pulled us closer and closer towards the door.

"No!" We screamed looking at the door. The door suddenly showed two yellow glowing eyes and a huge mouth with humungous teeth.

We were getting pulled closer and closer, went dark.

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