Chapter 8

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Olivia-Jolie's P.O.V

As we headed through the portal we saw the galaxy. We were inside this weird tube and felt like we were swimming in the air. It went quite fast as we saw a glimpse of Earth and saw another portal which led us right in front of our house.  We were shocked that the portal took us right where we needed to go. We entered our home and saw our mum and dad sitting on the couch. Our mum was on the phone while our dad put his hand on his forehead and looking down at the floor. 

"You haven't found her yet?" Our mum said, she turned to look at us and tears filled her eyes.

"Olivia-Jolie!" She came up to us and gave us a hug.

"You're alright!" our dad said coming in to give us a hug too. "We were so worried about you, we called the police and they tried to look everywhere for you, where were you?"

"We got sent to this weird planet called Zerbon where we met another one of us and saw this weird tentacle demon which tried to eat us in the library so that we could not be able to get the  Quattuor Elementa power. A girl Charlie-Hope helped us to get out of Zerbon and took us back here."

"I'm being serious, I don't want to hear one of your fictional stories, where were you?" Dad said, strictly.

"It's the truth!" 

"No, that's just one of your stories, tell us what really happened."

We didn't know what to say, we would have to make a lie. "Um, well we went to the library after school and it turned out that it was closing at 4 instead of 5 so we tried to call you, but then we realised our phone was in our locker and we couldn't tell you because they had locked the shed where the lockers were. We tried to talk to the librarian but she was on the phone the whole time and told us to leave, so we decided that we should walk home, but then we got lost. But we managed to find our way home. 

"Why didn't you just ask your friends to drop you?" Mum said.

"Well, they had already left and we didn't realise our phone wasn't with us until they had left."

"Why couldn't you just tell the librarian you had to call your parents?" Dad said.

"We were too shy to speak up.." We said, knowing we would never do that.

"Well I'm very disappointed, you should have spoken up."

"We're sorry dad, we just didn't know what to say."

"Well, the important thing is that you are safe. Now go get some rest, you have school tomorrow." Mum said.

We walked to our bedroom relieved that they believed us, we just hoped that it won't get any more complicated then it already is.

The next day we went to school wondering what we should tell our friends, should we tell them the truth or tell them the lie we told our parents? We walked on the school ground and noticed Principal Alfero speed walking towards us, She had tied her hair in a bun and had an angry expression.

"Olivia-Jolie, I'm glad that you are okay." Principal Alfero said in a panting voice, although a bit of anger was in her tone. "Please come to my office."

"But we have class."

"I am aware of that, I have informed miss Merijo that you will be late to class. Now please come with me."

We walked with Principal Alfero to her office as everyone stared at us. Some people were shocked to see us and some were smirking and whispering to their friends, probably because they thought we were going to get in trouble. And we thought so too. We went inside her office and sat down on a brown couch while Principal Alfero sat at her desk. She sat on a black leather chair which looked shiny and new. 

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