Chapter 22

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'What should we do?' Olivia side said.

'We, we must give the sword, we need this power more than anything. We have no choice...'

'There must be something else we could do.'

"I'm not going to wait forever, will you hand me that sword or not?" Hades said impatiently.

We looked at the sword then slowly walked to Hades and handed him the sword.

"Excellent, this is quite something."

"Can we have the fire now?"

"Of course."

We pass him the jar Charlie-Hope gave us and he put it on top of his head. A flame entered the jar and he closed it.

We took the jar and put it in our pocket.

"Well, we'll be off now." We turn around but Cerberus was in our way and was growling even louder than before.

"Now, where do you think you're going?"

We turn around and saw that an evil smirk had appeared on Hades' face.

"We gave you our sword, let us pass!"

"No, here I rule and you shall stay."

We tried to go around Cerberus but he completely blocked the exit.

"I think it's time," Hades said mysteriously, we turned around and saw a green snake appear from behind his chair.

"Finally!" the same woman voice spoke. We looked at the chair and saw that a lady had come from behind it. She had green snakes as hair and moved like she was water. She had her eyes closed and was facing toward us.

'That's Medusa!' Jolie side said. We studied her in Greek class.

'Quick we have to close our eyes.'

We shut our eyes and we heard the two laugh at us.

"So you know what I am capable of," Medusa said, as we felt her moving closer towards us.

"You think that is going to stop me?" Medusa whispered in our ear.

"Open your eyes for me darlings." She said as one of her snake starting rubbing against our face.

"No!" We yelled.

"Fine then," she said as she started saying something we couldn't understand.

We felt her snakes rub all over our face and it felt very strange, almost like a massage.

Medusa's hands were on our eyelids and she was trying to open them. We closed our eyes very tightly, not letting go. But it was very difficult because her snakes were trying to make our muscles relax.

"Stop trying to resist."

Medusa's snakes started hissing as though they were singing a song.

The hissing, we realised was making our eyes open. But we kept resisting the temptation.

But slowly, our eyes started opening and we couldn't control them anymore. We opened our eyes and saw her eyes were like snake eyes, they were blue at the top and brown at the bottom. We saw a little flash come from her eyes as she started laughing. We started feeling cold. We looked down and saw that our body was turning into stone and we couldn't move.

"No!" We said right before our mouth had turned to stone.

"Haha, I've done it."

"Well done Medusa, Oktabrith will certainly be happy."

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