Chapter 6

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Thinn Nutella Poodleberry's P.O.V

"Wh-where am I?" I said rubbing my sore head. Oh my god, what had happened to me? I was like so angry about Mufasa then all of a sudden red liquid started coming out of my head? Like that did not match my complexion! I looked down at my clothes and saw I was wearing...Patient clothing. Like ew, it does not match me. As I kept looking down some ugly face entered the room, it was Principal Alfero.

"Thinn Nutella Poodleberry are you alright?"

"No! of course not, don't you know that you are not supposed to put red liquid on my forehead? It doesn't match the Stacey."

"You were found on the library floor bleeding, do you remember anything?"

"Well, I remember like putting on make up for my date Mufasa. Then I left and then he kept saying I love Mufasa over and over again. Oh my God, I like could not believe him. Then I came back to the library and I was like talking to my gal's Sheera, Sarah, Darelyn and um... some other girl, what was her name again uh...,"

"Olivia-Jolie?" The principal said interrupting me, like who does she think she is? The head of the school?! Anyway, I said...

"Oh yeah that girl, she was very weird I mean she would not let me take that lipstick, how rude."

"Wait, what lipstick?" Principle Alfero curiously said.

"Some weird d..." I suddenly stopped thinking. It was like I could not think about anything, I could not remember the shade of the lipstick, I could not remember the brand. I could not even remember the shape of the lipstick! Aaaaah! like what was happening to me? Oh yeah, and I also couldn't remember where I was.

"Yes and...?"

"Ugh, where am I? And Like what is this red stuff dripping off my head Like AH! Did I dye my hair red? I hate RED HAIR!"

"Um...Thinn Nutella Poodleberry, I just told you." Principal Alfero confusingly said.

"Oh my god you are like such a liar, you did not, Who do you think I am Nemo?"

"Actually Dory is the one that forgets things, but anyways, I just told you, Stacey."

"Well, I do not remember. Oh my god, can I like go home now? I've had enough of this." I said, trying to climb out of my bed.

"No, you cannot!" Some weird doctor said, Like where did he come from?

"UGH, why not?" I said crossing my arms.

"You need stitches on your head." The doctor replied.

"What, no! I can't it won't look good on me."

"I'm sorry but you have no choice."

"Principal Alfero, may we talk to Stacey?" Sheera said. Oh my god, I knew she would be rushing back to be my friend.

"Well, I couldn't get anything out of her except for some lipstick, so why not." Principal Alfero said, going out the door.

"Stacey I need to-" Sheera stopped talking because I interrupted her, I already knew what she was going to say.

"Stop, just stop, I like told you we are no longer friends so like no," I said snapping my fingers.

"What? No that's not what I was going to say, I don't want to be your friend anymore."

"What? Why not! Everyone wants to be friends with me?! like right, Darelyn and Sarah?"

Darelyn and Sarah just looked at each other and backed away a bit. Like how mean.

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