Chapter 15

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Olivia-Jolie P.O.V

Our head was feeling really fuzzy. As we slowly opened our eyes it was a complete blur. We tilted our head to the side and saw our arm. Something was touching it. We closed our eyes and opened them again so our vision became clearer, and what we saw startled us. For we saw a needle being filled up with some sort of white substance and was injected into our arms. We couldn't bear the pain. It felt as though a knife cut our arm. We suddenly started moving around from side to side very fast. We had no idea what was going on, we weren't controlling our body's movement. After a minute we laid still and could see a bright yellow light on the ceiling. We tried to move our arms so we could cover our eyes but it wouldn't move. None of our body parts would move. Only our eyes were moving. After a while, a tall black figure came to cover the light its dark black tentacles moving around like crazy, it was no other than Oktabrith.

"I see you're awake," he replied in a dark voice. 

"What have you done to us?" We tried to say, but the words didn't come out. Oktabrith started chuckling madly.

"I'm afraid you can't talk. For you see, this white substance has somewhat paralysed you." He pointed to the bottle with the substance. Our eyes grew in terror, and clearly, Oktabrith could see it, for he had smiled for the first time and his teeth were like sharp daggers. We tried everything in our power to move, but nothing happened.

"Olivia-Jolie, there is no escape for you now, this will be your last breath. But first, let me enlighten you." His smile grew wider as he started speaking gibberish. After he finished speaking Stacey, Daria, Sarah and Darelyn suddenly entered the room, their eyes were closed as they walked towards the bed that we were laying in. They stopped moving as they slowly opened their eyelids to reveal red laser-like eyes. Every single person in the room, they were our friends, the only person missing was...

"Sheera, Please bring it forward," Oktabrith said. Sheera slowly walked forward pushing something covered with a white cloth. She placed the strange object in front of us and stood next to it.

"And reveal," Oktabrith said moving his tentacle, the cloth followed his movement and was thrown across the room. We looked at the object and our eyes grew wider, it felt as though they were going to pop out of their eye sockets. For in front of us was a mirror, and what we saw scared us. We saw our own reflection, but our skin was pale and hardened. It looked as though we were made of stone.

"Yes, the white substance I put into your body had made your entire body into stone, but don't worry you aren't going to die...yet." Oktabrith stepped back and somehow entered the mirror closing his huge, dark eyes. He started muttering something again and then opened his eyes and mouth. His mouth opened wider and wider and wider until it was as big as the room. It was just like at the library. The same thing will happen again, except this time we won't make it out. His mouth was like a big magnet as it started to pull us in. The straps that held us down on the bed broke and our body was straight as it moved closer and closer into Oktabrith's mouth. We were inches away from being eaten. We closed our eyes as we could feel our arm touch one of his sharp teeth. If we weren't turned to stone, it would be bleeding. 

"Hrrk!" We heard Oktabrith yell. We had just entered his mouth and we suddenly heard a choking sound and we flew out of his mouth lying flat on the wall as though we were glued. The mirror that Oktabrith was in suddenly collapsed on the floor and little shards of glass fell all over the floor.  Oktabrith was somehow stuck in the frame of the mirror as though he were a moving painting. A girl with a ponytail ran towards us. We couldn't exactly see her because our eyes had somehow blurred but she placed something on the wall and we suddenly got sucked into the wall, the girl following behind us. We suddenly realised we were in a portal.

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