Chapter 14

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Sheera's P.O.V

Olivia-Jolie, Sarah and I drove to the beach after landing in Batemans Bay.  Everyone was meeting at the beach. I looked away from my book and noticed that Sarah was just staring. She also kept moving her mouth as though she was speaking to someone.


"Huh, what?" She replied in shock.

"What were you doing?"

"Oh, I was just staring into space, you know, thinking about life and stuff."

"Okay..." I said in an unsure way.  Usually, Sarah didn't speak like that. Maybe she was just feeling tired or something.

"Olivia-Jolie?" I said tapping her shoulder.

"Yeah?" She said in a slightly louder tone than her normal voice, taking out her earphone and facing towards me.

"So, do Darelyn and Daria know to come to Bateman's bay from the snowy mountains?"

"Oh yeah, Daria told me that they were going in their car and driving straight here. They are one hour away.

"Cool, mum how much further is it?"

"Well, look to your right," my mum replied.

I looked to the right of me and noticed that there was a sign saying 'Malua Bay Beach.' That was the beach we were going to.

After a few minutes, my mum parked the car and we all hopped out. 

"Woah this beach is so cool," Olivia-Jolie said gawking at the place.

"Yeah, good thing it's hot in Batemans Bay," I replied putting on some sunscreen. As I finished I noticed that Sarah was staring at the ocean.

"Sarah, you got any sunscreen?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I do, you want some?" She blankly said.

"No, I'm just asking if you've put some on." 

"Oh, yeah I have, Now lets hit the beach." She started walking towards the beach and was humming. Olivia-Jolie and I looked at each other and walked as well.

"Ah, the sun is so nice," Sarah said, stretching her arms.

"Okay girls, I'm just going to put my beach chair here and do some reading, you girls feel free to explore as long as I can see you." My mum said, putting her chair on the sand and sitting in it.

"Okay, what do you guys say if we go for a swim?" Sarah excitedly spoke. 

"Uh, I don't know, I'm not a huge fan of the ocean," Olivia-Jolie said kicking the sand.

"Well, how are you supposed to catch a fish with your fishing rod if you don't stand in the ocean?"

"Sarah, she doesn't have to stand in the ocean to catch a fish," I confirm to her.

"Oh right, silly me," Sarah replied still looking at the ocean. "But, we should really check it out."

"You can if you want, but I don't like freezing cold beach water," I said slightly shivering as Olivia-Jolie and I walked upwards.

"Oh no you don't, you two are coming with me," Sarah said grabbing our arms and bringing us closer to the water.

"No Sarah, we don't want-" I stopped talking because I realised that the water wasn't freezing cold, it was actually nice.

"Oh wow, it's not so bad," I said going a bit closer.

"I told you," Sarah said as she splashed in the waves. "Hey I have an idea, let's play jump over the wave."

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