Chapter 10

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The next day we went to school and held the four-leaf clover in our hand so we wouldn't lose it. As we entered the school grounds we saw our friends who saw us smiling.

"Hey what's up?" Daria said in a cautioning way.

"Oh, nothing..." We replied having an even bigger smile on our face.

"Then why are you smiling?" Sheera questioned.

"Oh because we found this," We opened our hands to show them the four leaf clover.

"You found one?!" They all exclaimed in excitement.

"Yup, we found it as we were going home." 

"That's incredible!" Darelyn said in shock.

"Well, we better get going to class," we said heading to the lockers to get our stuff. We decided that we should put the clover in our locker so it doesn't get lost. 

Stacey's P.O.V

As I like go to collect my books, which I was not even planning on doing! My brain kept saying stuff like turn around and look at Olivia-Jolie. It was like so strange, like why would I want to look at her? Anyways, my head just magically spun to look at her and my thoughts told me to get that clover that she was putting in her locker. I was like trying to say no way sucker in my head like I would not put my beautiful hands on a clover that had been in the grounds, like ew who would do that? But, I had no choice for some weird reason and I walked up to her saying, "Like, what do you have there?"

"Oh, just something from my garden you wouldn't like it since you don't like touching dirty things."

When she said this I was like yes! I like didn't have to touch the clover, but noooooo my brain had another idea. "Can I look at it?" 


"Because I want to, so let me take a look." Olivia-Jolie just like rolled her eyes at me and showed me the clover. It was like a four leaf clover. Like those ones are so rare, but I still didn't want to touch it."

"Hm, very good but oh so disgusting like ew get that away from me." I quickly closed my locker and like sprinted to class. Stacey. Never. Sprints. I had like no control of my actions. I went to class and like did very weird things like...I asked for a sharpener, I like could not believe it. After class, my brain told me that we needed to somehow get the clover. My brain like froze for a bit and then it told me that I had to get Daria away from her friends somehow. Like I did not want to talk to her, she is like trying to steal my spot as the best artist in the school. But like once again my brain had other thoughts. It told me to go to Principal Alfero and talk to her. I walked up the stairs to her office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," She like said in a polite manner.

I suddenly started to cry. No!!! I could not believe it my mascara was like running down my face and now, I'm going to look like so awful. I like had enough of my brain, but sadly you can't kill your brain...So like I was stuck with running mascara FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! My brain stopped me from thinking about those things and told me to say something, and so I said it. "P-Principal Alfero D-Daria she, she's..."

"What did she do to you?" She interrupted like how rude.

"She-she said that my drawing w-was really bad and looked like trash." I could like not believe Daria would do that, I don't even remember it happening but like still, that was like so mean of her, who does she think she is? After saying that Principal Alfero said,

"That was very rude of her, hang on I will ask her to come up here." After she said that my brain like started to laugh weirdly inside my head. Principal Alfero opened her gloomy curtain and looked out the window which like showed all the students sitting down and eating their food. I like could see Daria, Sheera, Darelyn, Sarah and Olivia-Jolie sitting down next to the tree they always sat at. Principal Alfero got her weird microphone thingy and said, "Could Daria Rahea please come to my office immediately." As she finished she turned off her microphone and placed it back on the table. As she said this Daria looked very confused and looked up at her office noticing that Principal Alfero was looking at her intensely. Shortly Daria like came in without even knocking. But like Principal Alfero didn't care. 

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