Chapter 20

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A/N: Trigger warning, this chapter talks a little bit about Suicide.

We woke up feeling fresh and tireless. We decided to go make some pancakes for breakfast. Once we made them we sat down and looked at the list. 

It said: Venetus de ignis inferni. Vos mos postulo ut vocarent te similis tui in IV aliis inferis. Postquam homo se formatam daemonibus inita stellam necesse est dicere, Goeay aemoniumday aemoniumday ichay. aemoniumday uoddamqay iabolicumday enirevay ropepay estyay. Stendeoay ihimay iceatlay intrareyay. Eiecissetyay aemoniumday onnay radenttay. Uumtay, etyay undusmay emay idetisvay emay aemoniumday aemoniumday inyay inferisyay. We were very confused by this. The first half sounded like Latin but the second half sounded strange.

We were very confused by this. The first half sounded like Latin but the second half sounded strange.

'Okay, let's go get the Latin dictionary,' Jolie side said. We opened the dictionary and did the first half of it said: The blue Fire from Hades. You will need four other people like you to summon yourself into the underworld. Once forming the demonic star each person must say...

'That's it, the part we need to say is very important and so it is in a different language,' Olivia side said.

'Yeah, but I'm more shocked about the fact that we have to go to Hades. First of all, he's a Greek god and second of all how the heck would we even get his fire? Didn't you hear about the stories of him and his brothers, Zeus and Poseidon?'

'Yeah, this one will definitely be tricky.'

'So, we have to get into the underwood with the help of more Conjoined people and then use them to somehow take us to the God of the underworld?'

'Yep, somehow...' Olivia side said trailing off.

'Well, I think we both know who to call.' Jolie side said after a while, breaking the silence.

"Charlie-Hope!" We said, our sword came out of our pocket, there was a flash and Charlie-Hope appeared.

"Yes?" Charlie-Hope said in a kind voice.

"The Next ingredient is well, Complicated..."

"Aren't they all? What is it?"

"Well, we have to get the blue fire from Hades and we just don't understand how to."

"Wait, you have to get stuff from Hades?"

"Ye- you know him?"

"Well yeah, he's the king of all demons."

"Demons? Isn't that supposed to be Satan?" We said, feeling confused.

"I don't know who Satan is, but where I'm from... Or rather was... Hades is known as the kind of all demons."

"Oh, well on Earth Hades comes from Greek mythology, he was a Greek god and was king of the underworld."

"Wow, I guess getting the fire of Hades is a major ingredient."

"Did you have that as one of the ingredients on your list?"

"Yes, that was the ingredient I was up to, but I never made it to the demon world."


"Anyways, show me the English translation of your list."

We got the slip from the kitchen counter and showed it to her.

"I see..." Charlie-Hope said, being quiet for a few seconds.

"Um, Charlie-Hope, how are we supposed to get the fire from Hades? And how are we supposed to get four other people like us? And what..." we said as we spewed out all of the questions we had.

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