Chapter 23

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'Let's just focus on decoding the next part,' Jolie side said.

We looked at the last section of the list and it said:

Iterum vobis omnia, quae indita est ad GPS coordinatas te, XXVII ° LIX, 9,8340 '' N ° F LV et LXXXVI, 21,4428, 'E. Istud prorsus, non eundum ad punctum in ipso montis vertice, et invenies quod infers est. Idem erit mirum quod clicking specus aperire jam ostendam vobis locum coactis omnibus rebus. Cum omnia quae illic positus, dicere
Egoyay aratuspay umsay etyay eneruntvay usqueyay hstay. Otestatempay Egoyay abeohay aratapay adyay upiditatemcay. Umcay autemyay egoyay utoryay utyay alvumsay emay, etyay olitenay oktabrithyay lanetaepay. Aratuspay umsay. uattuorQay Elementayay!

We got out our Greek dictionary and we translated to English, it said:

Once you have all the ingredients you must go to the GPS coordinates, 27° 59' 9.8340'' N and 86° 55' 21.4428'' E. There, you must go to the very top point and find something strange there. Clicking that strange thing will open a cave which will lead you to an area where you place all the objects collected. Once you have placed everything there, say

Ego paratus sum et venerunt usque ths. Potestatem Ego habeo parata ad cupiditatem. Cum autem ego utor ut salvum me, et nolite oktabrith planetae. Paratus sum. Quattuor Elementa!

'Okay, looks like we need to get our laptop to find out where these coordinates are,' Olivia side said.

We typed the coordinates in our laptop and it took us to Mt Everest.

'Mt Everest? Don't we need special equipment to climb it?' Jolie side said.

'Yes we do, and not only that, but it also takes two months to climb it!' Olivia side replied.

'We don't have time for that.'

'We need some help...'

"Charlie-Hope!" We yelled, but nothing happened.

'We don't have our sword anymore.' Jolie side said.

'Which means we can't call her...'

'Looks like we'll have to do this by ourselves.'

'Okay, well without our sword, we can't teleport their and even if we reach Nepal, it takes two months to climb it! That's too long.'

'I know there must be something...' Jolie side got interrupted by a sudden thump that came from upstairs.

'What is that?' Olivia side said as we went up the stairs.

We heard the thump sound again. It was coming from the closet where we did the demonic ritual in. We entered the closet and looked around.

We heard a thump again and looked at the floor, there was a piece of paper that kept moving around.

'That little paper is making this much noise?' Jolie side said in confusion.

We picked up the paper and looked at it. It was blank, but as we kept staring at it, we noticed golden words started appearing on it. It said, Olivia-Jolie, this is Charlie-Hope. I know that you have lost your sword and are probably needing it to get to a certain place. I went to talk to Max-Ernest and he told me. You don't have too much time, Oktabrith is really close to gaining the planet's essence. You need to hurry, and since you don't have a sword use this gem.

A green circular gem appeared on the page. We put our hands on it and grabbed it out of the paper looking at it. It was glowing as we held it in our hands. We looked back at the paper and Charlie-Hope started writing again.

You can only use it once so choose wisely on where you want to go. On your destination remember to

'She stopped writing,' we said starting to worry.

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