Chapter 17

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We went to bed with many thoughts in our head, what did this mean? How do we capture air from a cloud? What is so special about this cloud? If we can't even figure the first ingredient how will we even manage to go through the rest? We woke up feeling a little sleepy. We decided to jump straight into figuring what this meant.

'Okay, so we have to go to these coordinates and capture air from a cloud,' Olivia side said.

'Which doesn't make any sense because air is everywhere.' Jolie side said.

'Yeah, how about first we figure out where the cloud is located.'

We opened our laptop and typed in the longitude and latitude coordinates.

'It's located in the east siberian sea.'

'And it's quite cold on where it is located.'

'So to get there we have to go to Russia and get a boat there since it's located in the ocean,' Jolie side said.

'Yeah, but how do we even get the ingredient?'

We both hesitated to think and then eventually Jolie side said, 'What if we ask Charlie-Hope for help?'

'Yeah, great idea.'

"Charlie-Hope!" We yelled and after a few seconds, our sword went out of our pocket, turned big and showed a very bright blue light. There was a flash and Charlie-Hope appeared next to the sword.

"What's up?" She replied as our sword went back in our pocket.

"How do we capture air from a cloud in a bottle?"

"Oh, well you'll need a special jar, which I have here."

"How do you bring everything we need?" we ask in confusion.

"Oh, well I have a special bag and l put basically everything such as special jars, ingredients, potions and more just in case."


"Yeah, now this jar can capture anything that would seem hard to get."

"But air isn't hard to get, it would already be in this jar wouldn't it?"

"Well, yes but I think that there might be something special located in that cloud."

"Yeah, probably."

"I'm sorry I couldn't give you any more guidance, but I think you got it covered." She was about to leave when we realised we had something else to ask her.

"Wait! How do we get to Russia quickly? Because we don't have time to book a flight, get our passports and catch a plane.

"Oh, that's easy. Your sword will take you there."

"But, how?"

"Like how it took you to this area."

"Oh okay."

"Yeah, now I must go, good luck!"

'How did we find this place last time?' Olivia side said.

'We thought about where we wanted to go.' Jolie side replied.

"If only we could go to Russia quickly." We said hopefully. After a few seconds, our sword came out of our pockets, turned bright blue and a white flash emerged from it. We were still in the same house.

'Nothing happened.' Jolie side said.

'Wait, look outside we're not in the same place as we were before.'

We looked outside and saw a sign that said, Property of the Walkin's family.

'So we're the Walkins?' Oliva side confusingly said.

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