Chapter 16

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As we entered the gate we could see our friends or, possessed friends all talking to each other. Darelyn and Sheera noticed us and waved. We hesitated for a bit and waved back with a forced smile. We approached our locker to get our books and felt our sword vibrating. We looked around the locker and saw that Darelyn, Sheera, Daria, Sarah and Stacey were walking towards us.

"Hi, Olivia-Jolie how is my fine friend doing?" Sheera said strangely.

"Uh fine, sorry I uh, have to talk to the...principal. Yeah, the principal so got to go," we said stuttering and quickly walked away from the locker rooms.

"Okay then, see you in class!" Darelyn excitedly spoke in a sarcastic sort of tone.

'That was a close one,' Olivia side said.

'I know right? How can we keep up with this when every corner we come to-' Jolie side stopped thinking about that because many people suddenly came out of nowhere and approached us. We quickly ducked away and headed to the girl's toilets. We quickly found a cubicle and locked it.

"Ugh, my mascara is running everywhere." A voice that sounded like Scooly Hocker spoke. We looked through the gap of the door and saw that she was getting out her mascara from her purse.

"Well, you look so amazing without mascara anyways, I mean you could totally strut a fashion show and you would look great," The girl next to her spoke, speaking in a soft tone. It was Scooly Hocker's friend, Cynthia Sachar. Her blonde, bleached hair was in a high ponytail and she was also applying makeup on her face.

"You always say that Cynth," Scooly Hocker replied, closing her bag.

"Well, I'm trying my best to comfort you okay? Ever since Stacey started hanging out with the O-J gang she became strange."

"Yeah, I have no idea what the heck happened to her, she clearly has a problem up there." Scooly Hocker replied pointed to her forehead.

"Hey, I was looking for you everywhere, you won't believe what just happened. Stacey. Punched. The. Principal." A girl, Leslie said barging into the girl's bathroom.

"Oooh, I've got to see this," Scooly Hocker said quickly walking out of the bathroom.

'Stacey punched the Principal?' Jolie side said.

'I have a feeling Oktabrith is behind this...' Olivia side said as we got out of the bathroom and walked to the oval where everyone was standing, yelling "ooooooooh!"

"BE QUIET!" Principal Alfero yelled and everyone became silent. They were all surrounding the principal and Stacey. Everyone kept looking at Stacey and Principal Alfero. "Is there a reason you would hit me Thinn Nutella Poodleberry?"

"Uh Yeah there is," Stacey replied filing her nails.

"And what is that?"

"Oh this, it's a nail filer."

"I meant, why would you hit me?"

"Oh, because my mas- I mean, my conscience is telling me that you shouldn't be principal."

'Wait, was she about to say, Master?' Olivia side said.

'Sounds like it.' Jolie side replied.

"Well, if you think that then perhaps you don't want to be a part of this school."

"Yeah. I would gladly leave," and with that, Stacey went to the locker grabbed her bag and left the school. Everyone watched her not saying anything.

"Well, then that was um, interesting," Principal Alfero said.

As everyone was being quite our sword kept vibrating through our pocket. But we couldn't see who the sword was indicating to.

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