Chapter 11

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Daria's P.O.V

Yesterday was a weird day for me. Even today was weird. I kept on doing things that my brain wasn't planning on doing. Today at Recess my friends and I were talking about the other ingredients on the list.

"Snow from the snowy mountains, Dessert rock, sand from a beach and a fish freshly caught from the ocean," Olivia-Jolie said, reading the list.

"We can't just get those ingredients," Sheera said thinking about what we could do.

"We have to get those on the weekend or..." I was interrupted by Darelyn who said,

"Or...We could get them in the holidays. After all, it is the second last day of the term." 

"You're right!" Olivia-Jolie said smiling. "We could split up and look for them."

"Yeah but our parents would have to agree on going to do that stuff," Sheera doubtfully said.

"Well, I am going to the snowy mountains in the holidays," Darelyn said.  " My parents said that I could invite two of my friends to come along. One of you could come with me."

"I'll do it," I said, not actually wanting to go. I didn't want to hurt anybody. But I couldn't make up my own choice.

"Okay, would your mum agree?"  Darelyn said in a worried tone.

"Yeah, of course, she would," I said. My mum would probably say no, but since she is now in control of Oktabrith, of course, she'll let me go. 

"Cool, since my mum and I were planning on going to the Alice Springs, we could go to Ayers Rock," Sheera said in a happy tone.

"We can't take a rock from it though, it's a landmark," Sarah pointed out.

"Yeah we don't have to get a rock from it but there would be some rocks near it," Sheera replied.

"But would your parents agree?" Sheera asked Sarah and Olivia-Jolie.

"Not sure, but we can still ask," They both reply as Stacey walked over here.

"Like oh my god, you have plans for the holidays? Like can I join you?" 

"Stacey, We..." Sheera was interrupted by me as I say,

"...Would love it if you come with us, right Darelyn?" I knew that Oktabrith was the one who kept making me say these things but making me be nice to Stacey? That's over the top, but like I said I didn't have a choice. Anyways, as I said that Darelyn looked at me weirdly and nodded.

"Thanks, Daria like come here BFF!" Stacey says giving me a big hug.

"Since when are you two BFF's?" Sarah said shocked by this sudden change.

"Well, we put aside our differences and we realised we have so much in common, you'll love her once you get to know her."

"Well if you say so," Darelyn said, sounding as though she was not entirely sure if Stacey should come. "You can come if you want."

"Oh my god Like thanks Darelyn, don't you worry I won't bother you a bit," Stacey said smiling widely at her.

As we all awkwardly smile at Stacey the bell rings. 

"Oh well we better go to our Science class," Stacey said walking away from us.

"So, Stacey's a friend of yours?" Olivia-Jolie asked.

"Oh yeah, she is actually nice, she just tries to act all popular because she wants to fit in."

"Oh, we didn't know that." They all said to me, they sounded doubtful.

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