Chapter 24

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'Jolie? We're, we're not...'

'How is this even possible?' Jolie side said as we couldn't feel any pain.

"Hello? Are you awake?" A soft voice said, we slowly opened our eyes and saw the Elemental of Earth.

Oh, you're okay.

"H-how are we alive?" We spoke as we were shocked.

"Well, you never died in the first place."

"But, but we..."

"The sword you used was unique, the blade is made from a special material. It does not kill, it just makes your mind think that you have stabbed yourself."

At first, we thought this made absolutely no sense. But then we realised that this is the least crazy thing that has happened to us.

"I think it's time you continued on your journey."

We stood up and looked at the ground beneath us. We were standing on soft grass and were surrounded by willow trees. If we looked up, All we would see were the leaves and branches of the trees. But there was still light, that came from fireflies that flew around the area.

"What's the next task?"

"Find the odd tree."

We looked around and saw that one of the trees had a marking, the same one as our birthmark.

We walked towards the tree and the Elemental of Earth said, "Well done, now place your hands on the marking."

We placed our hands on the tree and one of the trees branches moved. The branch went all the way to the ground and made an arc shape. A door appeared within the shape. We looked back at the Elemental and she nodded.

We opened the door and it slowly closed behind us. There was a small single tree in the middle of a plain grass field. We walked toward the tree, it was almost the same size as us. We looked up and saw many fireflies surrounding the tree. They all made a soft buzzing sound. We kept looking at them, mesmerised by what we were looking at. One of the fireflies started acting strange, it kept going down. We kept looking at it and saw it fall in the tree.

'Oh no, we have to help it.' Olivia side said.

'Yeah, let's climb up and make sure it's okay.'

We climbed the small tree and saw that it was hurt. It was resting on top of the leaves. We picked it up gently and placed it in our hands. The branch that we were standing on suddenly started to shift, it started growing. We looked down and we got higher then we were before. We looked at the firefly and saw that one of its wings were broken. We looked down and realised that it will be hard to get down.

We could've climbed down the tree, but that would mean that we would have to leave the firefly.

'Olivia, Look!' Jolie side said as our eyes looked towards a leaf that was right next to us. It was pointing down as if it was a slide. We looked at the leaf beneath and saw that it was pointing down to another leaf that was below it.

'I see, if we put the firefly on this leaf it will slide down all the way to the floor,' Jolie side replied.

We slowly placed the firefly on the leaf and it slid down to the next leaf and the leaf after that until it reached the ground. Once the firefly was on the grass, we climbed all the way down the tree and jumped off. We picked up the firefly and looked at it. We got one of the leaves from the tree and wrapped it around its wing.

"There you go." We say as we look at it. The firefly opened its eyes and flew up to where the others were.

'That leaf must be magical if it can mend a fireflies wing.' Jolie side commented as we watched them fly with each other.

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