Chapter 21

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"The what?" Everyone said with confused expressions.

"You know, the underworld, the place in greek mythology where you were believed to go if you die?"

They all looked at each other and then shrugged.

"Well, this place is where Hades is."

"I though Hades was in the Demon World?" Julia-Michelle said looking more confused.

"Well no, he's a greek god."

"A god? How could someone as terrible as him be a god?" Max-Ernest said in anger.

"He's not terrible, he just got the bad part to look after, I mean his brother's Zeus and Poseidon..."

"Look, this sounds like a great story, but we shouldn't waste time, isn't that what you said?" Georgia-Harley said.

"Yes, you're right."

Everyone became silent and started to look at us, waiting for us to say something.

"Well, with um, all the gifts you gave us, I'm sure Hades will be okay with giving us some of his fire."

"I hope you're right," Andrew-Stewart said in concern.

"Okay, so we have to figure out how to get to the underworld."

"Demon world," everyone else said.

"God, you guys really think he's a demon?"

"We don't think, we know, we read many books and found out that Hades had done terrible things and was sent into the demon world after he died."

'What? Is this true...?' Olivia side.

'Maybe, but then again, how do we know any of the myths are true?'

'Good point.'

"Hello? Samli to Olivia-Jolie," Julia-Michelle said.


"That's my planet," Julia-Michelle said looking a bit annoyed.

"Okay well, um if what you're saying is true, how would we meet him?"

"Easy, we have to set up a demonic ritual," Max-Ernest said.

"You mean satanic?"

"No, what the heck is that?" Max-Ernest said.

"Nevermind, what's the demonic ritual?" We ask.

"Oh, well it's just a star drawn on the ground with blood and then we stand on each side in a dark room with a few candles."

"Oh and then we have to say some crazy enchanting words and then the demon appears?" Georgia-Harley said.

"Yes, exactly."

Everyone seemed to smile, but we were more confused than ever before.

"Where the heck are we supposed to get blood?"

"Don't you have blood in your body?" Andrew-Stewart asked.

"Well yes but..." Max-Ernest had got out a knife and cut his hand and lots of blood came out.

"Max-Ernest what the f..." We said but he quickly yelled.

"Get a bowl or something to hold the blood."

Julia-Michelle quickly got a bowl that was laying on the counter and placed it under his hand.

"Okay, that should be enough," She said.

Once he was done we quickly rushed to get some bandages.

"Here," We said as we wrapped his hand around.

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