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??? P.O.V

Not again...

Not... Again...

Why is it happening again!

I listen to the voices inside my head once more. Why is it that now for some reason every time I go to sleep I end up in this place!? Is it because I have come of a certain age? A certain age which sends me into this hellhole?

For fuck sake I'm only fucking fifteen!


I mean I don't like to admit it but I'm only a kid.

The strange thing about all of this is that I ended up in a tree house. Like suddenly out of nowhere my brain decided one day that I had to go to sleep...and dream that I was in this tree house.

The first day I didn't do much. I was just in the tree house playing some spare puzzles that I found and just doing almost nothing. Until I woke up and went on my daily routine.

But it kept happening.

Every night it was the same thing. I ended up in that tree house, doing nothing. I assumed that I was supposed to be waiting for something... Or someone.

So I waited... And waited...

But nobody came.

Soon one day became a week, and one week became a month. And one month became half a year.

And during those 6 months all I did was nothing... Other than solving the strange different puzzles that came about each day and training.

Training that I made myself do. Because I felt useless if I was doing nothing.

And one day I just had enough. I couldn't bare having to have the same dream over and over.

And so I did something that I was afraid of doing... I left the tree house...

And plunged into the darkness.

And the worst part is... I've been in this darkness for over 2 weeks now...

And the tree house was gone.


And here I am...listening to the voices once again.

You're not good enough...

You try to care for people without actually caring for them...

You aren't strong enough...

And you know it.

"SHUT UP!!!" I bellowed. "JUST SHUT UP!!!"

I fall onto the ground as I clutch my head. I just want all of these voices to stop. I want them to stop!





And then it hit me...

If no one is going to save me from this nightmare...

Then I'd just have to save myself.

What's the point of waiting patiently for someone if no one's ever going to come and rescue you.

This is why I never depend on someone... Only myself.

You can't stay independent forever...



I screamed into the darkness as I unleashed a powerful force from within me..

And then there was silence.

"Why are you like this?" I ask her as I feel my eyes start to sting from the pain in my heart.

"Because..." She says to me slowly.

"You never came to save me from the dark."

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