Chapter 19: Forgotten

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Blue's P.O.V

I entered back into the hub...

And I couldn't believe my eyes...

It was all crumbling.

The entirety of the hub was broken.

The walls had cracks where the remains of the blue magic seeped through. There were pieces scattered all throughout the floor. And it seemed rather emptier too.

Soon more people started to show up in the hub. And they were just as shocked as I was.

"Blue! I'm so glad you're ok!" Purple exclaimed as she entered the hub.

"Me too! Purple!" I said as I gave her a hug.

Soon Teal and Peach were summoned as well as Morgan and Jade.

We all came together for a group hug knowing that we were all ok.

"What happened after all of you entered your portals?" I asked them.

"We just woke up!" Peach said.

"Yeah! Just like that," Jade replied. "And honestly I still don't think I'm that deep asleep either. It's like I could wake up at any moment."

"Yeah same here," Morgan replied.

"I think we can all say the same," I said to them.

Suddenly Varian came into the hub as well as Red.

"W-Where am I?" Varian asks looking all around.

"You're at the hub," Red replied to her. "Hey... Have I met you before?"

"Oh... Umm... Yeah you have," Varian replied. "I go to your school."

"Oh! That's where!" Red said. "Sorry, I must've not noticed you before off the bat because... Well I'm pretty sure you know why."

Varian smiles at him and let's out a soft chuckle.

"Yeah I know why," Varian says.

We all walk towards them to see if they were alright. But by how they were acting they seemed fine.

"Red! Are you ok?" Teal asks him.

"I'm fine Teal thanks," Red said. "I think we should ask our new teammate if she's alright though."

"Oh I'm fine," Varian replied. "Don't worry about me. I am though confused. What is this place? It looks like it's about to be in ruins."

"I agree with you," I say to her. "My name is Blue. But Mark will tell you all you need to know."

"B-Blue?" She stuttered. "But I thought-"

"The other Blue is the bad one," Jade interrupts. "Lets just make that clear. Our Blue on the other hand is the original."

"Bad one? Then why did she save me?" Varian asked.

We all stood quiet trying to think of a response. And soon Red just responded.

"Maybe she didn't, maybe she was going to take you to a darker place than before."

"Not likely... There's no darker nightmare than that... She actually said she was going to take me to my rightful dream... Wait, am I dreaming?" Varian said getting more confused by the second.

"Yes you are," I said to her. "But like I said, Mark will tell you all you need to know."

"Where is he anyway?" Morgan asked. "I don't see him."

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