Chapter 8: Journal Entry Two

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Blue's P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of mt alarm clock.

What happened last night at the hub? It wasn't good that's for sure. But man am I tired. I need to get some more rest... But I can't. It's a school day after all.

Ugh school... That reminds me of Baldi's Basics. Good thing my teacher wouldn't over react like he does and spank us with a ruler.

I just shiver at the thought of it.

I hear my dog Steve as he rushes over to me.

"Bow woof," Steve barks.

"Good morning Steve!" I say to him. "Did you have a good night's sleep?"

"Woof," He replies.

"Well I wish I could say the same," I respond to him. "But thing's just seem to get worse and worse. Kinda like what happened months ago with Dark."

Steve just turns his head and looks at me perplexed.

"Yeah," I say to him. "I wouldn't believe me either."

I get up from bed and do the same thing I do every morning. Check my phone, which I find that there are no notifications, change clothing, check myself out in the mirror, and brush my teeth and hair. And of course breakfast. Breakfast is important.

"Goodbye Steve!" I say to him. "See you after school!"

"Bark!" Steve replies.

I then head out of the door and begin my day.

Later that night...

I'm so tired... Better get to bed.

But first let's see if Mark uploaded anything.

Hmm... Strange... Nothing is uploaded. But that's alright, he is a busy guy after all.

Well, I guess it's time to write on my journal then.


Today was so and so, could've been better. My teacher gave us a few things to research about for our essay. Which I still don't have it completely planned out. All I have is a mere thought of it. But anyway, tomorrow is the middle of the week! Yay! And that means it's one step closer to Friday! Which I'm excited for. I also got a black pen! Isn't that cool! I like how brand new ink on paper looks like. It's kinda satisfying. Though that might be weird now that I'm saying it. Nothing new happened today, but I still have this itching feeling that something big is going to happen soon. Who knows, it could be good. So without any more interruptions, good night. And let's hope tomorrow is a better day!

And hopefully something exciting happens at the hub tonight!

I close my journal and prepare for slumber.

"Good night Steve!" I say to him as I pet his fur.

"Woof!" He says to me right after.

"You're right," I say to him. "I should get to bed now. It's getting really late."

And so I climb into bed, turn off the lights and drift off to sleep...

I wonder what's going on at the hub...

"Why are you like this?" I ask her as I feel my eyes start to sting from the pain in my heart.

"Because..." She says to me slowly.

"You never came to save me from the dark."

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