Chapter 5: Schoolhouse troubles

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Mark's P.O.V

 "Fuck this shit I'm out."

We all hear Jade exclaim as they snatch my transporter device to try and get out of this nightmare. Of course though, like what happened in Vanish, it didn't work.

"Why the fuck does this always have to happen when we don't want to be in a situation?" Jade says getting frustrated.

"You tell me," I say to him. "I don't want to be here at all either."

"I don't think anybody does Mark," Blue says to me. "I mean we just got done with school work. And then we end up in a schoolhouse. And above all that, we end up in his schoolhouse."

We all look at Baldi who just stood there staring at us... It was very, very disturbing... And I thought I'd never get to see him again.

"I hate this so much..." Red says. "Why did we!-

"Shh!" Blue shushes Red. "We don't want to attract any attention before we start the mission. We all know why we're here. And that is to find the person we need to save and get out of here as quickly as possible."

"Blue's right," I say to them. "Plus if you guys couldn't get back home after the last mission because you never completed it. Then I don't want to know what happens if we don't complete this one. Especially with Baldi being here and my transporter not working."

"Yeah especially because of that," Purple replies to me.

"Ok... Here's the plan... You've all seen my play through of this right?" I say to them.

They all nod their head which gives me relief. Cause to he honest we probably don't have a lot of time.

"Ok good," I say to them. "Then you all know it's just a matter of luck and skill. Grab as much quarters, soda, chocolate and especially soda. Oh and make sure not to mess up on the math problems ok?"

"Got it Mark," Blue says to me. "I know that we can do this. Right guys?"

"You betcha," Teal says.

"Totally," Peach replies.

"On it," Purple says.

"Can we just get this over with?" Red asks getting frustrated.

"I'm with Red," Jade says.

"Right," I say to them. "Then let's go to the first notebook. Oh and watch out for that weird hall guy that puts you in detention and the girl that likes to play jump rope. They're the worst."

"Yeah," Jade says. "Them and of course the bully, the jealous sock and the broom."

"Gotta Sweep! Sweep! Sweep!" Blue says. "Sorry I couldn't contain myself."

"Yeah well you'll get annoyed sooner or later," I say to her as we approach the first notebook.

As I entered the classroom I saw that the same blackboard still had the words "Math" all over it. Why is Baldi so into math? I have no idea. Maybe some messed up past or something that made him this way. But then again he's just a video game character... That I hate and I'm terrified of.

"Ok who wants to go first?" I say to them.

"I'll do it," Jade says. "I just want to get out of here."

Jade approaches the notebook, once he picks it up though it was like we were in a simulation with math problems. And up on the screen there was the first problem. With Baldi in the bottom left corner.

"Now it's time for everybody's favorite subject! Math!" Baldi explains as his mouth moves up and down nonstop. "Answer the 3 questions correctly, and you might get something special. Think of the answer in your head, then shout it out when you have it to put it in the answer box. When you think you have it just yell "Final answer." Problem one, 4 + 3 = ?"

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