Chapter 18: Journal Entry Four

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Blue's P.O.V

I suddenly jolt up from bed in shock.

Whatever I experienced last night it wasn't good... I looked at my alarm clock and see that I actually woke up 5 minutes before it rang.

Well I can't exactly go back to sleep now... So I might as well just get the day going.

As I get off from bed I feel shivers crawl up my spine. I look at Steve and see that he was still asleep. I wish I could be like him right now. Sleeping soundly and not caring about anything.

Well that doesn't really matter anymore. I'm already awake and I have to deal with it.

I had also this funny feeling that I forgot something... I don't know why I just do. 

I try to shake the feeling off and start my usual daily routine for school. Of course though, the strange feeling doesn't go away. Did I do something wrong last night at the hub? Did I forget something important that happened last night? I'm pretty sure I didn't... Maybe it's because I hardly remember anything from last night. Which is usually strange for me now. I haven't felt this way ever since I first started out at the hub.

Soon I was all ready for school. I looked back at my room and there was dense dark energy in the air... I could feel it.

I look away...

And leave.

Later that night...

I come back from school... I could barely concentrate... And I'm extremely tired...

But first I need to write something down on my journal.


So today was not a good day at all... I could barely concentrate at school. I couldn't even normally talk to my friends. They asked me what was wrong but I simply told them I had a bad night. Which is technically not a lie. I could barely sleep last night no matter how hard I tried to stay asleep. Thank goodness I woke up at around the time it was actually time for me to get up. Otherwise I could've caused the mission to fail and for my friends to worry about me...

We did accomplish the mission right? I barely remember now... This sucks. And I need to turn in that mental health project tomorrow too. I have it done so that's good. But I felt that I could've added more to it.

The only good thing today is that I got myself a light blue pen. It's really fluorescent and pretty. But it won't be enough to brighten my night. I just hope that whatever happens at the hub tonight will be better... Much, much better.

I set the pen down and prepare myself for bed. I look at Steve who was already soundly asleep and whisper good night to him.

As I settled into bed though. Part of me was afraid of actually falling asleep... What happened last night at the hub to make me feel his way... Well, I just have to be brave and brace myself.

I shut my eyes...

And immediately enter the dream world.

"Why are you like this?" I ask her as I feel my eyes start to sting from the pain in my heart.

"Because..." She says to me slowly.

"You never came to save me from the dark."

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