Chapter 10: Glowing Light

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Mark's P.O.V

I wait for Google to download all the possible data on Blue's location.

"Location found," Google finally responded.

"Finally!" Ethan exclaimed. "Where is she?"

"She is nowhere," Google responded.

"Nowhere?" Tyler questioned.

"What do you mean Google?" Amy asked him.

"Exactly what I said," Google responded firmly. "That girl you're all trying to find is nowhere. She is not in a game at all."

"Not in a game?" Ethan asked confused.

"How is that even possible?" I ask Google.

"That I... Do not know," Google said in a sort of defeated tone.

If Google doesn't know what is going on... Then this is going to be tougher than I thought.

"But what I do know is that she is in an eternal darkness," Google said to us. "More commonly known as the void."

"The void?" Tyler kept questioning.

"Please explain," I tell him. 

"The void is where there is no dreams or nightmares," Google responded. "Few people have gone there. But most don't come back to tell the tale. This is because once you go into the dark void you don't think or remember anything from it. Have you guys ever experienced a time were you didn't dream at all?"

"I have," Amy responded first.

"Me too," Ethan said.

"Same here," Tyler said after.

"And so have I," I answer Google.

"Well that is the void," Google said to you. "But it also might've been the case where you did have a dream but you just didn't remember anything from it. You never know which is which. But what I do know for certain is that you remember nothing, just darkness."

"Does that mean when that girl wakes up she remembers nothing what happened each night?" Ethan asks.

"She should not," Google responded. "But since she keeps jumping from dream to dream she remembers some of the actions she has done. Including the things she has done in the void."

"That is incredible," Tyler says.

"And also possibly supernatural and dangerous," I said right after him. "But that still doesn't explain the blue heart."

"I'm afraid I do not have enough research to answer that for you," Google responded to me. "But what I do know is that you guys can ask her for yourselves."

Google then pulls up a map where her current location was. Usually on these types of maps in the dream world it would say what type of game the person would be in, but instead it was just blank, basically empty. The only thing there was her icon, which was a blue heart which Google has programmed to be instead of a simple heart. Whether they had the mark of a hero or not.

"Thank you very much Google," Amy says as she takes the device which contained the map that Google had provided for us.

"You're welcome human," Google responded still not wanting to say our names. "And I wish you good luck. You guys are going to need it."

Tyler simple walks out as Ethan gives Google a salute before he headed as well. Amy then started to head out of the room as well before she turned to me.

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