Chapter 13: Connections

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Mark's P.O.V

"Wait, you know her?"

"Yep! Like the back of my hand," The girl replies to me. "Well not really, she's a mysterious one. We're just friends."

"Friends???" Ethan replies. "The same girl who defeated me and Mark's team has friends???"

"Wow, she's not a monster you know," She replies. "If she were a monster don't you think there wouldn't be a hub anymore?"

She was right, if the girl was totally out to get us it was probably too late to fix the hub. It would've been completely destroyed by now.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"The name's Cass," She says to me. "And the Blue you're talking about is my friend if I'm not mistaken."

"I don't think I am," I reply to her.

I look throughout the room. People are still watching us while some are starting to wake up. How do I make it so me and Cass can talk more privately?

"Ok everyone disperse!!!" Wilford says as gunshots are heard. "Can't you see the great Markimoo wants to talk in private!!!"

Of course... Well that worked out well.

Soon people went back to their original business while it was just me and Cass. As well as Blue's team, most of mine and Cass' team.

"Let me introduce you to my team Mark," Cass says to me. "This is Pine."

"Hi," The girl with orange hair says to me.

"And this is Skelly," Cass motions to her other teammate."

"Only use them/they're pronouns with me please," Skelly says to me. "Pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you all too," I say to them. "So what do you know about Blue?"

"Well what I do know is that she doesn't give up," Cass says to me. "She also loves chocolate, wolves, youtube drawing-"

"We mean something related to what's going on right now," Red says looking a bit annoyed.

"Oh, well in that case I have no idea," Cass says to me. "In all true honesty, I didn't even know she was around till right now. So how'd you guys find her? Rescued her from a nightmare or was she in like a house like that Blue was."

"Umm..." I start to say.

"She actually found us first so to speak," The original Blue says.

"Oh?" Cass says confused. "How so?"

"Well... Not so long ago we went on a mission to rescue someone," Blue says to her. "But someone else got there first and basically took the mission from us. And we were basically stuck there until Mark came to rescue us."

"And I'm glad I did too," I said to them. "Otherwise you would've been stuck in that cuphead world till you awoke."

"And then there was that other time with Baldi's Basics," Purple said. "We almost got there but then she came out of nowhere and took our mission once again."

"And then she came for Morgan," Teal said. "But left once she saw us and sent us all back here into the hub."

"Well..." Cass starts to say. "Did you guys ever think about why she might've done these things?"

"To steal our missions and take our people for her to feel glorious," Red says.

"If that were true," Cass replies. "Don't you think she would've just taken Morgan from your hands?"

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