Chapter 12: Announcement

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Morgan's P.O.V

"Two Blue's!? How is that even possible!?"

I hear Jade shout as more people help Mark gain full consciousness. And so he's able to walk normally again.

Me on the other hand... I am very worried, and very confused. 

I mean, I just got rescued! And I have this heart on my sleeve that I still don't know what it means exactly. I find out that my savior Blue is facing some trouble with some other possible evil and bad person who's also name is Blue!? And I'm in the very exact same room as Mark, Ethan and Amy!? It's been a night alright.

"Morgan you alright?" Purple suddenly turns to me and asks.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine," I tell her. "I've just been-"

Suddenly a familiar figure walks towards me.

"Hey Morgan," Mark says to me. "Are you ok?"

"Y-You know my name?" I ask him nervously.

"Of course I do, Blue told me," Mark replies to me. "Plus, I just heard Purple say your name as well."

"Oh! O-Of course you do! Silly me, sorry it's just been a night and I have so many questions and emotions. Like this heart, this team, Blue and another Blue as well as this place and what does all of this mean? And I also want to say so much to you right now and thank you because of how much you've helped me personally through your videos and such. Sorry I'm probably rambling right now, I-I just have so much to say to you, Amy the rest of you all as well as confusion-"

I keep rambling and can't stop. I'm basically nervous just standing in front of my idol. I don't know how to stop. Suddenly, Mark puts his hand on my shoulder and looks at me.

"It's ok kiddo..." Mark says to me with a gentle smile.

I can feel emotion starting to rise up inside me. And soon I couldn't hold it back anymore, I started to cry silently. Everyone was looking at me with sorrow, especially Mark.

"Morgan, don't cry..." He says as he can barely speak. Being still hurt and all.

Soon I just give him a hug, trying my best not to hurt him. And to my surprise he hugs me back. Soon everyone else joins in for a hug. And I silently thank them all.

"There there Morgan," Amy says to me. "We're with you, don't worry."

"Th-Thank you," I try to speak between my soft cries. "Thank you all so much."

"You're welcome Morgan," Ethan replies. "Just know that someone will always be there for you. And right now that is us."

We all continue to hug each other. Even Tim is joining in too. Google just stayed in the background, can't blame him though, he can't feel much after all. Soon we all break apart from the hug as I wipe away my tears.

"Again thank you guys so much," I say with a smile. "But I'm still very confused about all of this. Can someone please explain to me?"

"I can explain it to you," Mark said to me. "But first, Tim, will you please?"

"Of course Mark!" Tim says.

Soon a beam of energy spreads throughout the room and I feel so much more energized than before.

"You're all officially healed to full health!" Tim beams.

"Thank you Tim," Mark says looking much better. "Now Morgan, let's start with the basics. You obviously see that heart on your sleeve. But what it represents is the mark of a hero. And you Morgan are a hero."

Hearts and Heroes | Blue's PathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang