Chapter 15: Assemble

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Blue's P.O.V

I arrive back into the hub and all the memories flood back into me once again.

"Blue you're here!" Purple says to me. "Better get ready cause today we got a big mission ahead of us!"

"No kidding," Jade says. 

"Finally I can go and teach this girl some manners!" Red says as he cracks his knuckles.

"Now, now Red," Peach says to him. "Let's not get too excited."

"Look! Morgan arrived!" Teal says as she points into the distance.

Morgan stood there all confused and baffled. Until she remembered everything that happened the night before. She then looked towards us and gave us a gentle smile.

"Morgan!" I say to her. "Come and join us!"

Morgan walks towards us with a determined smile.

"You guys ready?" She asks us. "Cause I know I'm not, I just got here."

"Yeah me too," I replied to her. "I'm going to go and upgrade on weapons as well as stack up on some necessary utilities."

"Oh Morgan!" Peach says to her. "You should head down to Wilford to pick your class!"

"Oh yeah I should, shouldn't I?" Morgan says in response.

"Yes you should," Teal says with a warm smile. "If you want, me and Peach can guide you to there."

"That would be lovely thanks," Morgan replies. Soon the three of them walk over to the weapons room where Wilford is.

"So what should we do now Blue?' Purple asks me.

"Right now we need to train," I say to her. "And stock on as much stuff as we can. Because by the sound of this other Blue, she's going to be a tough one to crack."

"This feels weird," Jade says. "The fact that there are now two Blue's. It's just making me confused."

"Well we have the better one with us," Red replies as he motions to me. "That other one is just a knock off. For all I know our Blue came first, and that's that. She probably won't be hard to crack. She can't be harder than Teal."

I suddenly get flashbacks to when I couldn't save Teal. I hated that feeling that I wasn't able to save someone. And after that, we saved every one we could on our missions. That is until the other Blue came and took over our missions... What if I fail again?

"Yo Blue you there?" Jade says to me.

"H-Huh?" I respond as I snap out of my current thoughts.

"You kinda spaced out for a bit there," Jade replies.

"Oh yeah sorry," I said to them. "I was just having thoughts."

"Are you worried we won't be able to succeed?" Purple asks me.

"Not that much really," I reply to her. "I mean we have a much, much bigger team to face her. So it can't be that hard... I just have that nagging feeling in the back of my mind that something could go wrong."

"Yeah, but the key word is could not that it will," Red says to me. "We will be fine, trust me. Plus, it's 17 against 1. The odds are great! We can't possibly lose!"

"Hmm... I guess you're right Red!" I say to him. "We got this in the bag."

"What do you think is causing her to do these things Blue?" Purple asks me.

"I honestly don't know... She doesn't seem mean... But she did have this cold hearted face," I say to them.

"The girl probably has major issues," Jade responds. "We just need to knock some sense into her and boom, the dream world will be at a balance once again."

Hearts and Heroes | Blue's PathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora