*Chapter 2 - Giving him a chance*

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* Emily P.O.V *

I lay on my bed and hugged my pillow, turning my back to Lucas had been one of the hardest thing I had ever done, one thing was to keep away from him, but to run from him when he had found me, is something completely different. I could still hear his wounded howl when he saw that I fled from him. How could I hurt him like that? My thought was interrupted by a knock on the door, I froze, I knew that Lucas had followed me when I fled, had he figured out who I was? But then I heard Clarina through the door.

"Emily let me in, that's just me."

Quickly I got up from the bed, and went over to unlock the door so I could let her in. She looked inquiring at me before she pull me into a hug.

"Are you okay?"

She asked worried I shrugged.

"I don’t know, I fled from him Clarina ... He found my wolf Amy out in the woods, and I ran from him, I hurt him, how can I do that to my mate, have he really deserved that I should do him this unhappy? "

I asked, and looked at her with sad eyes, Clarina grabbed my hand and led me over to the bed where we sat down, then she looked earnestly at me.

"I can’t tell you Emily. Only you know how you feel, are you sure you can’t even imagine being with Lucas forever?"

I felt tears running down my cheeks as I replied crying.

"I don’t know, I'm so confused I keep getting attracted to him, he's my mate and therefore my wolf wants nothing more than to be with him. But I know how he is, he is a player, he's been with so many different women, how can I just look past that. Clarina I've been in the same room as him and my brother when he talked about a girl he was with the night before, and as he says, only the evening, why should he keep her at night when she had satisfied his needs already. A guy who has treated women that way, how should trust him, believe that he would suddenly change just because he finds his mate."

I say unhappy. Clarina grabs both my hands and makes me look up at her.

"Emily, I know that you are concerned because you practically grew up with Lucas, and therefore have been a part of his life, and in terms have seen both his good and bad sides, but are you sure he can’t change, I mean I have not seen him with any women while I've known him, maybe just your scent made ​​him chance and only wanted you. I saw him after you came running in, he came a few seconds after I got him stopped, and placed him in Matthews office, but I felt bad not to say that it was you who was his mate, but I had promised you I wouldn’t, so I kept it to myself. but Emily the man was completely devastated, the fact that you had fled from him, you got him convinced that you wouldn’t have anything to do with him, and when I left them, he had convinced himself that you probably already had a boyfriend and wouldn’t have any to do to him."

I stared at her with wide eyes before I started to cry even more.

"How can I do that to my mate, we're meant to be together, but I'm so insecure that I don’t know if I should accept him and risk being hurt, therefore I hurt him instead, I’m a lousy mate. I'm so confused, I don’t know what to do."

Clarina smiled lovingly at me.

"Emily, you are concerned about that Lucas has had his share of women, and you are therefore afraid that he can’t settle for you. But consider when Lucas talked to Matthew about the women, I'm sure Matthew also talked about the women he had a fling with, and I would say that Matthew has changed, I have not seen him even look at another woman during the period we have been together, and he does everything to make sure that I know that it's me he wants to be with, and I have no doubt about that Lucas will be just the same. If you had seen how he looked at the thought of your refusal, you would know that you’re the only women he thinks about."

I stare at her, she right, my brother was as much a player as Lucas, but as soon as he found Clarina there was no one else on his mind. I had several times seen how his eksflirt had flung themselves at him, but he either didn’t see it or else he put her straight by telling that he had a mate. Maybe she was right, maybe Lucas would be the same.

"You're right, I know I should be more open heart, but I'm just afraid of getting hurt. If I let him in and he goes back to his old habits, I know that it will destroy me completely. But I'll go to bed and sleep on it, and then I have hopefully found an answer in the morning."

I Smiled and Clarina nod, she knew that I needed to be alone, at that point we were very similar, when we really had to gather our thoughts, we wanted to be alone. Then she whispered lovingly goodnight before she left my bedroom, and left me with my thoughts.

I woke up the next day, to singing birds and sunshine, and I smiled. I had to give Lucas a chance, or at least tell him why I had felt the need to flee from him yesterday. He was my mate and I wouldn’t keep hurting my mate, he didn’t deserve it. I had to find him today and talk to him, and then we could, if he wanted to, talk about our doubts, I couldn’t possibly be the only one who would doubt that we fit together. I was just a little indifferent and often invisible girl, while Lucas was a really delicious Alpha male, but it is said that the opposites attracts, and we would be the proof.  Quickly I got dressed in a summer dress, it was rare that I wore dresses, but I felt that the day I told my mate who I was, demanded that I made ​​a little extra out of myself.

It was now four in the afternoon, and I was ready to talk to Lucas, but it required that I found him first, I walked around the school when I got his scent and picked up my pace with a smile, now I had made up my mind that I wanted to talk to him, so now I was excited to see his reaction. I followed his scent around the corner to the school's football field, but abruptly stopped. Approx. 400 meters in front of me stood my mate, my deceitful mate, I couldn’t believe that I actually had considered giving him a chance, a player would never changed. Quickly I turned on my heels and ran away, ran as fast as I could and hoped that I could get the picture of Lucas who stood with his head buried in someone else's woman's neck away from my mind.


Picture of Emily at the side 


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