Chapter 1: (Filler) Going to Konoha...

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Tsunade's P.O.V

Naruto and Jiraya are trying to convince me to go to Konoha and be the fifth hokage. 'I cant abandon the 3 here... I will just have to keep theme a secret to the village' I thought.

Kisaru's P.O.V

It seems that mother (yes, Gus, Nanami and I call Tsunade mother because she didn't treat us like our old parents did)is being convince to go somewhere. I increase my sense of hearing using my chakra to hear what their talking about. "C'mon grandma Tsunade! Be the 5th Hokage of Konoha! Sasuke needs your medical ninjutsu!" said the orange jump suit boy.

"I must tell Onii-sama and Nanami-nee-sama!" I whispered to myself. I rushed of to the inn we were staying in. I told them that we were going to Konoha but in secret.

::TIME SKIP:: (Arriving in Konoha)

Kisaru's P.O.V

"Man, it really brings back memories!" mother said in an exited tone. Only the guards by the gate knew who we were because mother explained to them. We camouflaged and followed the guards to our apartment. We trained each other at the woods just outside of Konoha. That night, i decided to do some last minute training by myself. Just when I completely ran out of chakra, I heard some rustling in the bushes. A boy with long hair and clear pearly eyes came out.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"If you wish to know one's name, one must introduce one's self first," he said with a little smug smirk on his face.

"I am Kisaru Susho. And you are?" "Neji Hyuga" he said. "You shall keep my presence here in Konoha a secret, Neji Hyuga," I disappeared and flashed behind his back with a kunai at his neck and said " or I shall kill you...".

"How can you kill me if you can't even block/dodge this!" he said while trying trying to hit me but I gripped his wrist tightly. I kicked him in the stomach and sent him flying into a tree.

"That was just a gentle kick. so keep me a secret or else i shall do much worse," I said while disappearing into the night sky and headed home. I told Onii-sama and Nanami-nee-sama about what happened.

"You should be more careful, Kisaru! Not to mention that he is a BOY!" my brother shouted.

"Geez! Ok I'll be more careful!" I said then suddenly collapsed from lack of chakra.

Gus's P.O.V

Kisaru comes late at night looking beat up and tired. She tells Nanami and I what happened in the woods. "You should be more careful, Kisaru! Not to mention that he's a BOY!" I shouted while standing up.

"Geez! Ok I'll be more careful!" she said then suddenly collapsed on the floor from exhaustion.

Nanami's P.O.V

Kisaru suddenly Fell to the ground probably from training to hard after Gus-nii-sama yelled at her.

"You were a little harsh on her, Gus-nii-sama," I said.

"I was only thinking about her safety, Nanami," he replied.

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