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Kisaru's P.O.V

"WAH!!!! It's so boring being at home..." I said to myself. Nanami-nee-sama's at the library, Gus-nii-sama's girl hunting, and me? Staying at home like a person who's having trouble with her life. I clearly remember always being busy... But I can't even remember what I was doing. I quickly stood up.

"I will not be left alone to do nothing!!" I said. 'Oh great, now I'm talking to myself...' I said in my head. I put on my ninja sandals then ran out the door. I ran as fast as I could to the Hokage's office to see if there were any missions available. But when I got there, l saw mother on her desk, not looking too well.

"What happened to her, Shizu-chan?" I asked Shizune.

"Well, your mother went drinking last night and came back with a dreadful fever..." she explained.

"Oh my... And I was about to ask for a mission..." I said to myself. Shizune flinched a bit then made a dreadful face.


"Oh, be quiet, Shizune!!" mother said angrily. Then, looked at me immensely. That look frightened me gravely.

"Kisaru, I am giving you one of the hardest S-rank missions you could ever recieve, you shall be Hokage until I recover."

"WHAT?! ME?!" I exclaimed.

"WHAT?! HER?!" Shizune exclaimed.

"THAT'S NEVER GONNA HAPPENED!!!!!" Shizune and I exclaimed in chorus.

"I just made it happen now go. Shizune, you assist her. I need to lay down..." mother said, getting woozy.

"But what if I need your signature or something?! Or if the other ninjas won't believe that I need to be Hokage!!!" I asked her. Then, she took out a piece of paper and wrote some stuff on it. Then, when she was finished, she angrily stamped on the paper.

"Sign that and you're all good to go." she said as she handed it to me . She took off her Hokage hat then placed it on my head, then made her way out the door. The paper read:

'I, Tsunade, your Hokage, have come down with a horrible flu. Since I am unable to accomplish my duties correctly, I will be taking a vacation and temporarily step down from my position and hand it over to Kisaru Susho, Konoha's ANBU captain. This temporary arrangement will serve as an S-rank mission for her, and she shall be filling in for me until I recover.

Yours Truly,
Your Hokage, Tsunade'

My eyes were wide in shock. I slowly turn my head to Shizune who's jaw was dropped. "... What just happened??" I asked her. She snapped out of her daze then looked at me with a serious face.

"Well, Hokage-sama, You must fulfill your duties and approve or decline these mission requests and read all the recent mission reports that are being sent in." she said then placed mountains of paper work on mother's desk.

"What the heck, all of these!?" I asked. She nodded furiously. I anime cried then sat down on the table and began to read all the reports.


"YAY~~~!!!!!!! I finished all of them!!!!!!" I exclaimed as I stretched my back on my chair. My hand was aching and my eyes were sore. I never knew that it was so hard to be a Hokage...

"Good. Next, you have to listen to the mission reports that have been completed but the ninjas who just arrived from the mission." she said, checking something off on the clipboard she was holding. Then, there was a knock on the door.

"E-enter!" I said, trying to sound like mother. Then, the door opened to reveal Shikamaru, Chouji and Ino.

"EH~? Kisa-chan, what are you doing on Tsunade-sama's desk?" Ino asked me.

"Well, Tsunade-sama came down with the flu and she forced me to be the Hokage until she recovers. Anyway, back to business, how'd the mission go?" I asked them.

"Well, we captured the ninjas who were attacking a small town in the Land of Tea. And we brought back peace in that town." Said Ino.

"Their sweets were very good..." Choiji said, drooling.

I laughed then said, "Alright, good job. You earned yourselves a day off." I said as I placed a stamp on their mission report. I made a hand desture to dismiss them then they headed out the door. I checked a few more papers then looked at Shizune.

"I thought I had a few more reports to hear?" I asked her, double-checking a few more mission reports.

"You were behind schedule so I went ahead and checked them out for you. But that doesn't matter right now. You need to go to the hospital to do some rounds then you're free to go home for the night." She said, checking off a few more things from her list.


"Alright, take these pills three times a day for the next few weeks, and if your head aches or back pains come back, please come visit me again." I said with a smile as I handed the pregnant woman her prescription. She smiled back, got her medicine and prescription then headed out the door. I sat back on my chair and sighed.

"Loving someone must be nice..." I mumbled to myself.

Shizune sighed. "You really aren't suited for this hokage business... You can take the rest of the day off. I'll handle the remaining patients." she said. My eyes widened

"Really?! You really mean it, Shizu-chan!?" I exclaimed.

"Yes, now get out of here before I change my mind!" she said. I giggled then hugged her, then I happily ran out the door. But now, this leaves me with the problem of what to do for the rest of the day... 

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