Chapter 24: Disappointed

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Neji's P.O.V

"NEJI!!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Kisaru scream. I quickly ran back to the spot where I left her but she was already swooped away.

'Dammit... I should've never left her alone...' I thought to myself. I calmed down a bit then focused even more chakra to my eyes and followed her chakra signature. I picked up her chakra but it was very faint. Nonetheless, I jumped to the trees and started following it. But the fast I ran, the fainter it got until it was completely untraceable. I stopped for a bit to catch my breath and to compose myself 'cuz I'm freaking out like crazy.

"Geez, can't she find a much better guy than you? They went that way." an unfamiliar voice said. I immediately turned around to see a man that resembled Kisaru in so many ways.

"Who are you?" I asked, calming down a little after seeing his Leaf forehead protector.

"Gus Susho. Kisaru's older brother." he said.

"Gus-nii~!!! Did you find them~?" asked a female voice. Then, a girl, who also resembled Kisaru, stepped out of the bushes.

"Ah! Neji-san!! Hm?? Where's Kisaru?" she asked.

"He left her alone then she got kidnapped by some bastard ninjas." he said, sneering at me. The pain of guilt shot right through me.

"Oh no! We have to save her! Let's go Neji-san!!" the lady said.

"Fine. Come with us if you want. Just don't get in my way." Gus said to me as he hopped on one of the branches, looking down at me and the lady. I took a quick glance at the lady then started following Gus. The lady followed right behind me.

"How rude of me, I wasn't able to introduce myself to you yet, Neji-san. Nice to meet you. I'm Kisaru's older sister, Nanami Susho." she said to me.

"Uh... The pleasure's all mine..." I answered her back with my usual calm facade, but I'm actually worried sick about Kisaru.

"Nanami! Are we close??" asked Gus, agitated.

"We're here." she said, jumping off the branch. Gus and I followed after her.

"So this is why you can't find her? Just because of some stupid barrier? Pfft. Pathetic." Gus said.

"Gus-nii, now is not the time for this. We have to save Kisaru and get out of here. Now, we need to devise a plan..." Nanami-san said.

"Forget that crap, I'm breaking in." Gus said, and disappeared.

Nanami-san sighed. "C'mon, let's go after him." she said then gestured me to follow. We joined the battle shortly afterwards.


We won the battle and was able to get Kisaru back safely. The ninjas that kidnapped her were severely punished by her siblings.

"Kisaru! Are you okay?" I asked. running to her side.

"Yeah, I'm fine. The only problem is, I still can't move my legs." she said.

"Let me guess, you stayed out while it was raining and you sat down on the ground inside a cave didn't you?" asked Nanami-san.

"Wow, Nanami-nee-sama! You're right! But what do I do about it now?" she asked.

"I saw a river just near by. Wash your legs there and you'll be fine." she answered back. Gus and Nanami helped Kisaru up and brought her to the river. I followed behind them, feeling very out of place.

After Kisaru washed her legs and was able to move them again, we headed straight back to Konoha to brief lady Tsunade about our mission. Gus and Nanami-san told Kisaru and I that we can have the rest of the day off. Kisaru jumped for joy then headed into the village. She looked back at me and smiled.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go, Neji!!" She said happily. Then, she ran back and locked arms with me, pulling me towards the village. I smiled then walked with her.

We wandered around the village for a while but then she told me that she had to buy some flowers for her friend.

'Oh no... Ino's gonna see us... She'll never let me live it down if she saw us now!! Dammit, what do I do?' I thought to myself.

"Sorry Kisaru but I'm really worn out. Mind if I catch up with you later instead?" I said to her.

"Oh okay. I'll see you later then!" she said happily. She turned then left. I turned and hid so I can at least ensure her safety while she's outside. But on her way to Ino's shop, she bumped into Kiba. She jumped happily and Kiba caught her in an instant. I didn't like it one bit, he's too close to her. The talked for a bit then they started walking together but what bothers me even more, is that they were walking with locked arms.

They chatted happily as they headed over to Ino's shop. I sneaked up to the door then listened carefully to their conversation.

"Welcome, welcome! Oh, Kisa-chan! With Kiba again huh? Why not try going out?" said Ino.

"Maybe I'll try someday, but for now, I promised my heart to someone else already." she replied.

"Oh?! Who's the lucky guy?" Ino asked.

"Ne-ji Hyu-ga~!!!!" she said happily. *sigh* I knew I couldn't keep this from everyone forever...

"OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you~!!!!!! He may not be the best catch but good going on actually getting him to like you! So how did the confession go??" Ino said.

"Oh, he was the one who confessed to me, not me to him." Kisaru said.

"OH MY GOD.....!!!!!!!!!!! HE WAS THE ONE TO CONFESS?!?!?!?!?! YOU SHOULD'VE GOTTEN IT ON VIDEO FOR ME!!!!!!!" Ino exclaimed loudly. Kisaru and Kiba laughed rather loudly as well.

"I'd really love to chat with you more, Ino, but I have to get going. I need to pay my respects to a certain someone." Kisaru said. I heard footsteps getting louder so I immediately jumped to the highest roof I could find. Kisaru and Kiba headed out.

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