Chapter 16: I Know You'll Be There For Me P2

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Kisaru's P.O.V

"What's going on out here- !" a man wearing only pants swung open the door and spotted Neji. Neji quickly hit the man's neck to knock him out and he fell unconscious. All the three girls were shaking from fear. 

"Please don't be afraid. He is my ally," I said to the girls. I saw Neji blush then I punched him in the face with my medical strength. 

'Perverted bastard...' I thought angrily in my head. 'At least I still have some chakra left...' I said in my mind. 

"Don't worry. He's harmless while I'm around" I told the girls. I told them. They seemed to ease up a bit. Neji stood up and headed over to me to help me up, still with a blushing face, as he placed my arm on the back of his neck. 

"Now, let's get out of here. Can you guys stand up?" I asked them with a soothing motherly smile. 

"Yeah. The drug wore off on us a few hours ago. I'm Mitsu by the way..." the girl with brown hair said. 

"And I'm Tsumi..." The girl with black hair said. I smiled then turned to the woman. 

"Are you coming with us...?" I asked her. She hesitated then said yes. I smiled then remembered the girl that was being tortured in the room earlier. I crawled over to the bed and asked her if she was okay. 

"I'm fine... I just feel a little weak..." the blonde girl said. I helped her stand up. 

'How are we supposed to travel with weak people...?' I thought to myself. 

"Kotchiyosen no Jutsu! (Summoning Jutsu!)" I said as 2 large male lions and 1 large female lioness appeared. 

"Kisaru-chan! What happened o you?! And why are you in your underwear?" Miyu, the female lioness, said in a worried tone. 

"I was abducted and was about to be raped. But I'm fine now, don't mind me... I need Goryo-sama and Rotsuo-sama to carry these girls. And Miyu-sama, the rapist," I said, slightly having a hard time to breathe.

"And how about you?" Rotsuo-sama said.

"I'll be fine. Neji'll carry me." I said to him.

"Why didn't you summon another lion?" Miyu-sama asked as she placed the unconscious man on her back.

"I don't have that much chakra left. I only had enough to summon you guys." I said. 

"Anyway, let's just head out before that guy wakes up," I said.

Neji carried me bridal style as we headed back to Sunagakure. Neji's muscles were tense and he was fighting the urge to look at me. 

"Gomen na sai..." I said as I looked away. 

"What are you apologizing for?" he asked me. 

"You don't have to look away..." I told him. He eyes widen slightly in shock. 

"Wh-wh-wh-what are you ta-talking about?" Neji said trying to pretend not to understand what I'm saying. I pull myself closer to him. 

"I don't mind..." I reassured him. I felt his muscles finally relax as he held me close. 

"Ki-Ki-Kisaru-san! Can we rest for the night?" The girl with black hair pleaded. I gestured the lions to stop and they stopped. 

"Let's just walk a bit over to the forest so we don't get caught in a sand storm." I said as I pointed over to the forest. We made a short trip over to the forest and set up camp. The 4 girls fell fast asleep as my lions kept them warm.

"Miyu-sama, may I ask a favor?" I asked as I walked over to her.

"What is it, my little one?" she asked me with a caring mother's voice.

"Would you mind if you asked Fuijin-sama to bring me some clothes? The girls and I would become burdens to you if we caught a cold." I told her.

"Very well, my child." she said.

Then, I released the jutsu on her for a few minutes, long enought for her to gather some clothes for us. And when I summoned her back, she had enough clothes for all of us. The only kind of clothing that existed in MT. Kiroy were kimonos. I helped the girls dress up while they were sleeping. 

'Well, at least they won't catch a cold...' I thought to myself as i slipped on my own kimono. It was a light pink kimono with a yellow belt.

I was carried long enough that I was able to recover some of my chakra. I summoned one more large male lion. 

"Ah, Kisaru-chan... I see that you need some warmth..." Kotsu, the lion, said as he went up behind me and lied down with me in the middle. I snuggled over to his large, soft and fluffy mane. 

'Oh yeah Neji must be freezing...' I thought to myself as I remembered Neji. 

"Neji," I called out to him. 

"Come here, you'll get sick if you stay out in the freezing cold like that..." I added. 

"Uh... I have to watch out for the prisoner. He might wake up and try to run away," he said, trying to make an excuse not to sleep beside me. 

"Don't worry. Miyu-sama is watching over him for the night." I said to him. He looked over to Miyu and she nodded at him. He then turned his face to Kotsu-sama. 

"Don't worry about him. He's not gonna eat you while you sleep." I teased. 

"Uh.. That's not what I was worrying about..." he said with an anime sweat drop.

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