Chapter 8: Mission to the Land of Blades P2

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  Kisaru's P.O.V

They bugged me too but I didn't wanna hear it. I just sat under a tree for shade then brought out a book and started reading. Tenten came out of the water then rested for a while.

"Kisaru-taichou, can we set camp here? Please!" Tenten begged me. I sighed then nodded. She shot up then yelled,

"Guys! We're camping here for the night!" Then, she jumped back into the water. Lee came out of the water then sat at the right side of where I was sitting. But I didn't mind him and kept reading my book.

"What are you reading, Kisaru-taichou?" Lee asked hapilly.

"A House like a Lotus," I replied. "LOTUS?! Is it about a handsome young boy that is veryyouthful?!" Lee asked. I giggled then said, "No, Lee. It's about a a shy loner girl that travels to Greece for her studies but she has so many problems at home. Plus, her aunt betrayed her. So with the friends that she made in Greece, she tries to overcome all her problems and worries."

"Hm... Ok..." Lee says normally. I closed my book then stood up.

"Alright guys, let's set up camp before it gets dark," I said. They got out of the water then started to pitch the tents. Lee helped me catch fish for dinner. Then, I prepared a fire to cook the fish. We were having a pretty good time while we were chatting with each other. But it was getting pretty late.

"Alright... I will decide one who sleeps in each tent," Gai-san protested. He told me and Neji to sleep with Saski-sama in one tent so she can be guarded easily. And in the other, Tenten, Lee and himself. They all went to sleep except for me. I went out of the tent once I was sure everybody was a sleep. I jumped on a branch, sat down, then read my book. 'I guess Gai-san didn't think of having to need a night patrol just when we're at the boarder of the land of fire,' I thought in my mind. I brought out my book again and started reading. When it was 12 midnight, I went over to the river to take a quick dip so I won't smell like sweat the following day. The water was cold as I submerge myself in the water. I felt more refreshed after I came out of the river. I dried myself and my hair behind a tree then I put my clothes back on.

I was comfortably reading my book when the sun had started to rise. I went over to the river then caught some fish for breakfast. While I was cooking the fish, Lee came out of the tent looking fully of energy as usual.

"Arre, Kisaru-san. Good morning! What are you doing up so early?" he asked me while jogging in place.

"Good morning. And I stayed up last night to guard the premises," I informed him.

"Here, have some breakfast," I offered. He sat down then ate with me. The rest of them woke up one by one. We headed out as soon as everyone was awake and has eaten breakfast. On the way, I noticed the smell of burning metal.

"Mh! The smell of burning metal!" I heard Tenten exclaim.

"Smells horrible if you ask me," Neji said while pinching his nose. I sensed an enemy 15 meters southwest.

"Come out!" I said which startled everyone.

"Who are you talking to, Kisaru-san?" Lee questioned me. Then, the ninjas hiding, slowly came out from where they were hiding.

"Hm... Nice nose, girl," one of the ninjas said. Lee, Neji, Tenten and Gai surrounded Sasaki-sama and took their fighting stances.

"You'll never get, Sasaki-sama!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, well... We'll see about that!" they said as they charged towards me. I made some hand seals then blew them away with a wind-style jutsu. One of them flashed behind me then grabbed me by my neck. Then the other one was charging towards me with a large and thick sword. I threw the one holding my neck over my shoulder. Then, his comrade stabbed him instead of me. But his sword reached me anyway. It pierced through my kidney. I cough out blood then say, "Your sword was *pant, pant* Longer than I thought..." I managed.

I then pushed the two with my medical strength away from us. I was about to fall to my knees but Neji caught me.

"Are you alright?" he whispered in my ear.

"Yeah... I'm fine..." I said while panting. Neji gently put me down then faced the remaining ninja. He took a fighting stance then did a jutsu called '8 trigrams: 64 plams'. Then, the ninja fell half dead on the ground. Tenten, Lee and Gai then gathered around me while Sasaki-sama was holding me. I slowly put my hand over my wound then start healing it. I was growing weaker and more tired with my vision starting to blur. I was loosing too much blood because the sword was so thick. Closing the wound was difficult but I was able to close it. I was too weak to stand up but then Lee offered to help me up.

"Um, Lee... No offence but I think Kisaru-taichou should be carried by someone who doesn't run so much," Tenten said with an anime sweat drop.

"I think Neji should do it," she added. Neji hesitated at first but then agreed anyway.

"Don't worry, the land of blades isn't that far. I have a cousin that is a doctor at the hospital so you can have your friend checked," I heard Sasaki-sama say.

Neji tried picking me up piggy back but I was too weak to hold on to his neck so he just carried me bridal-style instead. I forced myself to stay awake but Neji told me, "Just go to sleep. You need some rest."

And upon hearing his soothing and mellow voice, I fell asleep.  

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