Chapter 21: A Loving Sister's Concern

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  Nanami's P.O.V

"Come in," Mother said. I entered and greeted her politely.

"What is it Nanami? You finished your mission already and you finally have a day off. Why not take this time off? Maybe spend some time with Kisaru and Gus?" she said, not looking up from her paperwork.

"Well... Some thing's been bothering Kisaru and I am gravely worried about her." I told mother.

"I'm coming in, mom." I heard a familiar voice said. Then, Gus came in with his normal cool facade as ever.

"Ah, Gus. Impeccable timing as always. So, how was your mission?" mother asked him.

"You know that I can never fail a mission, mom." he said with a smirk. Mother gave a hearty laugh.

"Good job. You've earned yourself a day off." mother said as she stamped a few papers.

"Wait, wait, Onii-sama. I need you to stay here first. I need to inform you about this as well." I told him and grabbed his sleeve before he was able to walk out the door.

"Why, what is it? Did something happen?" he asked.

"Well... It's about Kisaru." I said. Then, both of their faces went serious.

"She's been acting really depressed lately. And she won't talk to me or anyone else. Something must've happened three weeks ago." I informed them.

"Hm... That is peculiar..." mother agreed.

"What do you think happened?" Onii-sama asked me.

"Hm... My references tell me that she was last seen with Neji Hyuga." mother said while scruffling through a lot of papers.

"Damn... I knew that kid was trouble! I'll be right back. I am SO gonna fricking teach that guy a lesson!!!" Onii-sama said when he was about to run out the door, ready to give Hyuga-san a real serious beating.

"Wait, Gus! Not so fast." mother said with a very loud voice. Onii-sama nearly tripped from the sudden noise.

"It is very rude to pry into other people's problems. I'm sure that Neji is having a hard time as well, and I do not need you bringing him down even more." mother said with a slightly angered tone.

"Mother has a good point. And I'm sure Kisaru wouldn't like you messing with Neji-san either." I told him.

"Well, what do you suggest we do?! We can't leave Kisaru like this forever!" he shouted angrily.

"Wait! I think I have an idea..." mother said with a devious smirk. Hm... This seems interesting...

Kisaru's P.O.V



"Alright Kisaru, I have a mission for you. There have been reports of people getting lost in the Forest of Beasts. I need you and Neji to try and find the people who got lost and bring them back to safety. And once you're done, set up some signs that says 'do not enter'. It should take you, hm... A good three weeks or so." mother said as she looked through some papers.

"Thank you for the extra help, mom but I can do it by myself." I said with a stern voice.

"No no no no no no no no no no. I want Neji to come with you no matter what. He's already waiting at the gate. Now go, you are dismissed." she said.


"YOU ARE DISMISSED!!!!" She shouted angrily.

"Yes, ma'am!!!" I said as I rushed out the door.

~End of Flashback~

Man, this atmosphere is SO awkward... I have no idea what to say... I... Have no idea what to feel...


"HA-HAI?!" I accidentally shouted, snapping out of my daze.

"Be cautious about the poison liquid and gases that the monsters release. They have some weird side effects." Neji warned me.

"I-I know that, N-Hyuga! I'm the ANBU captain, and you're not. So don't think that you can act smart around me!" I said, hiding my true feelings...

And then, he just goes silent.

Oh no... I've made things worse... I always seem to be good at that... I hate it...


"Wh-what?!" I snapped out of my daze again.

"We're here." he said.

And there we were. Standing in front of a gigantic and more dangerous version of the Forest of Death. We slowly enter the eerie forest in an even eerier silence.

We took the whole day searching for people but we found no one. I don't think that even a single person went here, I mean, who in their right mind would go through the most eerie-looking forest that even a warrior would try their best to avoid. We found absolutely nothing. Not even corpse or monster tracks. Then...

"!! Neji, did you hear that...?"


Every time I hear his voice, my heart seems to shatter a hundred times over again. Every time I see his flawless face, it makes me want to just hold his face in my hands and stare into his deep and alluring eyes. Every time I get caught in his gaze, it feels like I'm falling into a deep abyss of pure and raw emotion that has been concealed for, like, a lifetime. And his soft, warm lips...

"Kisaru, watch out!!!!!" I heard him shout and push me really hard. Then, when I lifted my head to look at him, he was engulfed by a big dark blue cloud... Which I think is poison...

"NEJI!!!!!!!" I shouted.

I ran towards the cloud but stopped before it could touch me. And when the smoke cleared up, the most terrifying thing that I would've ever imagined appeared...  

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