Chapter 43: A Friend

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  Author's P.O.V

"I could ask you the same thing. Are you alright??" he asked her. Her tears just kept coming and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. Neji didn't know what to do, was he going to give her some privacy and leave...? Or, like... Sit down with her and comfort her... He sat beside her but not too close. He hesitantly placed a hand on her back and started rubbing her back soothingly. But she caught him off guard by pressing her head against his chest while covering her face. His heart fluttered and he scooted a little bit closer and gently wrapped and arm around her shoulder and rested his head on hers. She cried hard but it didn't seem so bad with Neji there.

Nightfall came fast but they stayed together for the whole time. They took their time, specifically Neji since he still has a lot of stuff to do. Kisaru stopped crying but she was still leaning against Neji's chest and Neji still had his arm around her as he was gently stroking her arm. Kisaru's eyes were red and puffy, her hair was a mess and her face lost it's natural glow as it faded into a soft silky white safe for her cheeks which where a bit rosy. And although they had always done this before when Kisaru still had their memories, Neji always, ALWAYS had butterflies in his stomach and his heart really wouldn't stop fluttering and he felt like he was kinda having a hard time to breathe.

"I would agree with Gus-san. Things can't always go your way. But no matter what happens I'll be there for you..." he whispered comfortingly. She chuckled weakly and it was quiet around them.

"That was really cheesy..." she joked. Neji's face flushed with embarrassment.

"Shut up..." he said, trying to hide his embarrassment. Kisaru laughed and even if he wasn't really planning for things to go that way but he was overjoyed to hear her laugh again. But after a little while, Kisaru was able to pull herself together again. She stood up on the branch and and did a little stretch. Neji stood up as well and waited for her.

"Thanks so much for listening to my rant, Neji. Forgive me for the trouble." she said kindly.

"Don't mention it." he said monotonously, pretending not to care.

"You know, I thought you were just some heartless, up-tight guy, Neji!" she said. Ouch! Neji was stabbed all over.

"But you're actually a really sweet guy who care a whole lot, huh? Don't worry, I'll keep your secret for you!!" she said playfully as she elbowed him.

"Uhuh..." he just agreed to her blindly.

"Well, I gotta go. It was nice hanging out with you, Neji!!" she said as she leaped away. And Neji was left alone yet again. Friend, she said. Ugh... Neji discarded these thoughts and headed back to the village.

Days have passed and Kisaru didn't let the fact that Danzo was now hokage slide. She continued doing her regular ANBU stuff. She noticed that everything was going well, the reconstruction of the village, the supply stock and the security of the villagers. Then, Kisaru heard that Naruto came back from a mission and encountered Sasuke. Since she wasn't their classmate, she wasn't really called into the meeting of genin. And not only that, Kakashi came back with a hostage, Karin. And the biggest news of all... DANZO WAS KILLED BY THE AKATSUKI!!!!!!!!!! Of course Kisaru was glad that he won't become the hokage anymore and sad since he was once her supervisor but most of all confused on who the hokage will really be. The elders were panicked as they heard the news from Kakashi so they just did whatevs and recommended Kakashi as the hokage. They immediately set up a conference with the feudal lord, but Kisaru didn't pay much attention to it. She went to check out how Tsunade was doing, and picked up Gus and Nanami on the way there.

When they were almost to Tsunade's room, they heard Shizume shout for help. They ran to the room with a paramedic behind them. Kisaru and the others were so shocked. Shizmue had her ear to Tsunade's face and then started crying, letting them see what happened to Tsunade. She was alive!! The paramedics checked if there were any damage. everyone in the room was crying, Kisaru, Shizume, Nanami, the paramedics, even Gus!! And the first thing that Tsunade asks for is food. Kisaru bursts out laughing!! And they did as they were told. And as soon as Tsunade ate, she went straight to work. The village was overjoyed and the girls decided to make a girl's night out. They even invited Kisaru along.

The girls sat at the table and looked through the menu. Things were going really well, chit-chat here and there. And while the girls were already placing their orders, the boys were at the other side having their own little get together. They took their time in staying together cuz the third great ninja war is coming up and obviously they won't be able to do things like this. Might as well make it last.  

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