Chapter 41: Pain to the World

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Author's P.O.V

Kisaru was all geared up and was scouting the perimeter for any villagers that were lost or injured. And the first person she ran into was Hinata, battling a woman with indigo hair tied with an origami flower. Kisaru jumped in, blocking an incoming attack from the woman.

"Kisaru!!" Hinata softly exclaimed.

"Another one? Answer me, is Uzumaki Naruto in this village or not? Speak, else, I'll kill you." she threatened.

"I have no time to chat with you!" Kisaru exclaimed.

"Very well..." she said as her body turned into paper and started to surge towards them. The paper stuck to their bodies and covered up their whole bodies, preventing the two of them to breathe.

'Damn you... Water style: Water Suicide!' she said as she wrapped herself in water, drenching the paper, making it soggy. She easily ripped the paper off then took the paper off Hinata as well. But more paper grabbed Kisaru's wrists, preventing her to save Hinata.

"Hinata(-sama)!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ko and Kisaru exclaimed in unison. But then, the woman flinched and made the paper release them then the women suddenly retreated. The paper released Hinata, allowing her to breathe again.

"Are you alright?" Kisaru asked her.

"Yeah... I'm fine..." she said, gasping for air. Kisaru looked around, trying to see if there was some kind of attack coming at them from the distance, but she didn't seem to sense any danger...

"So what...? That's it?" Ko asked.

"It shouldn't be... That woman was about to earn her victory. Why would she just stop suddenly?" Hinata said questioningly. Then, the ground started rumbling, growing closer and closer. Then, there was a blinding light with a gigantic explosion that came after, causing a building to come crashing down. Kisaru pushed Hinata and Ko with her medical strength out of the way right before the building came down.

Then, everything went black.


Hm... Very peculiar... Neji suddenly felt his heart quench and his stomach churn. Then, a feeling of loss overcame him. "Geez...! I'm so hungry!!" Tenten whined while stretching.

"Let's rest a bit!! After all, we are tired from the mission." she continued. But then, Gai was too busy, trying to study the peculiar atmosphere.

"What's the matter, Gai-sensei?" Lee asked him.

"Have you noticed the unusually large number of birds flying away from the direction of the village? It's as if they're fleeing from something..." Gai explained.

"I also have this bad feeling... We should head straight the the village." he said, trying to hide the other fact that he's anxious to seen Kisaru again, even though he swore that he won't pursuer her anymore... :3

"Eh?!~" Tenten whined.

"Let's go, everyone." Gai said as he started walking. Neji and Lee followed after.

"Aw geez..." Tenten mumbled as she followed after.

*~Back to Hinata and Kisaru~*

"KISARU!!!!!!!!" Hinata exclaimed, tears overflowing in her eyes as she knelt in front of Kisaru's lifeless body. Her body was crushed in between two gigantic beams. Kisaru coughed then tried to move her body but was unable to. Katsuya immediately placed herself on Kisaru's back, trying to heal the inner damage.

"Aw crap... Ugh, ouch..." Kisaru said, grunting in pain.

"Kisaru..." Hinata said weakly, trying to pull herself together.

"Kisaru-chan, are you alright?" Katsuya asked.

"Ugh... Yeah, I'm fine... But... I can't move..." Kisaru said.

"Try not to move to much, The slightest move can damage your spinal column severely." Katsuya said. Kisaru complied. Then, Hinata calmed down and stood up to check up on the damage done, Hinata was shocked.

"Hinata-sama... Are you alright?" Ko asked her. Hinata snapped out of her daze then turned to look at Ko.

"Yes, I'm fine... But you're injured. Here, let me help you." she said, bringing out some gauze.

"I'm fine, Lady Hinata. If anything were to happen to you during Lord Hiashi and Lady Hanabi's absence, I will be dishonored for life. You need not concern yourself with me." he said.

"But I must! If everyone is injured while the head family is away, I will be the one scolded." She said as she gauzed up Ko's injury.

Katsuya finished up healing Kisaru and she had enough chakra to activate her medical strength and initiate self-healing. "I'm fine now, Katuya-sama. I'm gonna try to get out." she said, gathering her chakra to her back. She summoned all of her strength then managed to get on all fours, then push up the beam. She threw it away then stretched her body a bit and rubbed a few painful parts.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Katsuya asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I need to find mother, Gus-nii and Nanami-nee. Tell Hinata I'm fine." she said as she jumped away in search of Tsunade, Gus or Nanami. But then, she heard an explosion coming from the bottom of the chasm, it's Naruto going against six pains!! But Kisaru knew Naruto's true potential and that this was his chance to prove himself to the village, so she'll give him his moment to shine. And so, she continued her search for Lady Tsunade and her siblings.

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