Chapter 40: Assault on Konoha

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Kisaru's P.O.V

My eyes shot open and my eyes wander aimlessly as I try to scan my surroundings. The heart rate monitor was going off like crazy just as my heart was. I scan a little bit more slowly, I see Gus-nii, mother and Tenten crying. Then a crying Nanami attacked me with a hug. They had smiles on their faces but tears were streaming down their cheeks.

"Kisaru! Thank goodness you're alive!!!!" Nanami-nee cried out as she rubbed her tear-stricken cheek against mine. I smiled then leaned my head against her's. Mother stroke my forehead and Gus-nii held my hand. Tenten was smiling as her ears rolled down her cheeks.

Hm... Someone was missing...

"Where's... Neji?" I asked weakly.

"He went on a mission but he should be back in a few days time." Mother said then kissed my forehead.

*~A Few Weeks Later~*

Weeks have gone by since I got discharged from the hospital. I've been suspended from going on mission for a while because I'm still on my road to recovery. But I still haven't seen Neji for these past few weeks. He's been going on missions one after the other, so has everyone else. You cannot guess how bored I am... And just recently, Naruto's gone to train with toads. Everyone's training except for me, and it made me sick. I wanted to train to! So I can improve myself, to protect myself... And those I love. So I don't have to put them in danger every time I'm in trouble. I quickly headed to the ANBU HQ to see if I can do some combat sparring. But something seemed off today... Like something bad was going to happen. But I shook it off then ran to the HQ.

"Captain!! Long time no see!" Kastsudate happily greeted me and slung his arm over my shoulder. I laughed then held his hand. He led me to the indoor training grounds to see Hyuo-kun and Yugao-chan sparring with each other.

"Yo, guys! Look who's here!!" Kotsudate said happily as he got the two's attention.

"Kisaru-taichou. I'm glad you are well." Yugao-chan said as she bowed respectfully.

"No need to be so formal, Yugao-chan!!" I said happily.

"So what'cha need, Taichou?" Hyuo-kun asked me.

"I wanna spar." I said straight out.

"But aren't you still recovering? The training might worsen your condition." Yugao-chan said.

"I don't fricking care. I wanna train and I am your captain. Don't underestimate me, Yugao." I said with a smile but had intimidation in my tone. She backed off then stayed silent.

"I'll spar with yah." Kotsudate volunteered boastfully. I smirked as we stood in the middle of the arena and I could already feel my blood thirst boiling inside of me. Don't get it wrong, Kotsu and I aren't even the slightest bit close. He may have acted like it earlier but no, this guy has been itching to overthrow me ever since I became ANBU captain. He's hated me ever since we met and he never hesitated to take the chance of pummeling me. But he's always wrong.

"Just remember, I don't plan on holding back just because little girl has a boo-boo." he provoked me. I twitched from anger then took my stance. I already took a step ahead then made an earth clone and hid under ground. He attacked and stabbed a kunai right through my chest. He smirked cockily but I just laughed in his frickin' face. I was about to crush him with a rock but he grabbed my ankle then held my in the air. I pulled down my skirt to prevent him from seeing my cycling shorts. He laughed arrogantly then threw me across the arena. I hit the wall, and it left a crater. I coughed up blood and wasn't able to get up. Crap... My body's not fully recovered yet.

"You're always so cocky. Well, well, well. Look who's looking down on the loser now?" He said. He roughly grabbed my neck and held me up, attempting to choke me during the process. I built up my chakra then tried to move my body a bit. I charged it up to my leg then kicked him, with my medical strength, right in the nuts. His eyes went wide then he let me go as he dropped to the floor. I coughed and tried to catch my breath. He was groaning in pain and to be perfectly honest, I thought it was REALLY funny.

"Now that's what I call cocky." I said as I flipped my hair and laughed heartily. Then there was an explosion...

"What was that?" Hyou asked. I ran outside then saw houses burning, monsters attacking, and villagers running for their life. the other three followed after me.

"Scatter. Make sure the villagers are okay and try to fend off as much enemies as you can. Yugao-chan, let's go to Lady Tsunade." I said. They responded then we went to fulfill our duties.

As soon as Yugao-chan and I reached the hokage building, Lady Tsunade was already relaying the message to the messenger frog to retrieve Naruto.

"Lady Tsunade, what is your duty for me?" I asked mother. She looked at me then hesitated, knowing that my body is still recovering.

"Protect the villagers, heal the injured and make sure that everyone is safe from the enemy." she said sternly, yet her voice slightly shaky.

"Yes, Ma'am." I replied then set off to fulfill my duties.

I will protect konoha!

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