Chapter 4: Beautiful Morning

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Kisaru's P.O.V

I ran to Neji and started to close his wounds with my medical ninjutsu. I got Neji's arm and put it over my neck so I can take him to his room. I took off his forehead protector to see whats his temperature was, and it was really high.

"Your burning up, Neji... You shouldn't push yourself too hard," I said with a worried expression.

I got a small rag, washed it in cold water, dried it and used it it to clean Neji (torso only). I was so surprised when I removed his shirt. 'Neji has six-pack?!' I mentally said. After I cleaned him, I washed the rag again and put it on his head. After I put the rag on his head and tucked him in them he suddenly fell asleep.

(3 hours later)

(still) Kisaru's P.O.V

I was roaming around in Neji's house, checking on him from time to time. I never knew that the Hyuga clan can be so traditional. I came back to Neji's room so i can see if his fever went down. His fever went down a bit but it was still pretty high. I never noticed that he looked so peaceful when he's sleeping. He looked really cute the way his lips were slightly opened so he could breath through his mouth. It was silent for a few minutes. I heard him mumble something but it was so soft that i couldnt hear it. I was so surprised that I jumped back. I stood still to see if he would get up because I thought that he was awake. It turns out that he was still asleep. For someone who is so sophisticated, I never knew that he could talk in his sleep. I watched him as he continues his peaceful sleep.

Neji's P.O.V

Kisaru tucked me in then from my tiredness, I fell asleep.


I was wandering in the forest so thick that it was like night time already. I kept walking until I reached a field where the sun shone brightly. Forget-me-not's make up the field with a girl right in the middle of the field. Her hair was braided in two. The braids were placed in front of her shoulders. She was wearing a white dress below her knees. She was facing the opposite way from where I am. I was about to walk over to her but I accidentally stepped on a twig. She twitched a bit the turned her head to the side a bit. She looked at me with a blank face at first then turned to me. She flashed her sweet smile.

"How are you feeling today, Neji?" I heard her say.

I was trying to reach out to her but I seemed to stay in place. I ran even faster but she didn't get farther nor did she get nearer.

(2 hours later)


(still) Neji's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes and opened the clock. 'It's 7 o'clock already?!' I mentally shouted in shock. I keep on trying to push my body so I can sit up but it just felt so heavy.

"You shouldn't push yourself too hard, Neji! The wounds might open and start bleeding again!" Kisaru said while running to me with a worried look. She pushed me down gently so I can just relax. My stomach suddenly growled when it was all silent. Kisaru giggled then said, "What do you want for diner, Neji?".

I stayed silent because of my embarrassment.

"Aren't you hungry, Neji?" she said with that sweet smile of hers.

"Soba noodles with herring... please..." I said while mumbling. She giggled and went to the kitchen.

Kisaru's P.O.V

Neji was trying to get up but I ran to him before he went any farther. I pushed him down gently so he won't strain any of him muscles. After I pushed him down, I heard his stomach grumble. I giggled and he blushed. I found him so cute the way that he gets embarrassed easily.

Neji asked me to make him Soba noodles with herring. He was so cute when he was blushing wildly because of his embarrassment. Making Soba noodles with herring is actually my specialty. My mom and dad used to love eating it almost everyday. After preparing Neji and I's soba noodles, I went over to Neji's bed to help him up. I took him to the table and we started to eat. I can tell that Neji was extremely embarrassed because we were eating in complete silence. The only thing I could hear was the sound of crickets outside his window.

"Neji, I have to go soon 'cuz my brother will kill me if I stay any longer," I said with an anime sweat drop.

"Ok I'll walk you to the gate," Neji said insistingly. Neji walked me to the gates.

"Um... Where's the guard that was here earlier?" I asked with a confused look.

"He probably went to the washroom or something," he said.

"Let me walk you home! Its the least I can do for letting you take care of me," he said with a blush.

"No, its ok, Neji. The only thing I want you to do is get some rest," I said reassuringly.

I was about to go home when Neji suddenly grabbed my wrist and kissed me on the cheek. I was really surprised but then he said, "Have a safe trip home," in a low voice.

"Thanks..." I mumbled then I ran straight home.

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