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Your POV

All that is known,
being placed in a government of some sort. I know I'm one to have my memory wiped.. although I still have common sense.
I've been training for as long as three years with a group of the same girls. No time is told though I knew from the beginning I should keep track of days, it's difficult to for there is nothing to remember during each day. Nothing from the random workout days they give for us to keep shape.

There's twelve other of me here.
There's always guards at side.

Wake up, wash up, get dressed, eat, patiently wait. Being called in for class time. Other days being ordered to ones desired wish as practice.
Just as maids.

The great master we often meet. Either for information or practicing more service.

There's no talking between me and the others unless made to. Every night I'm paired with someone random to sleep in a dorm.
I know each girl of course, they're just as me. Blank expressions, knowing only to serve. Taught not to care about them in any way possible, I believe they're more of a blank than I am.

—— I stand at the back of the line with the rest.
Looking forward as the higher guard that has a tablet of some sort walks by. Listing us.
He then walks fast to the huge door we entered, talking quickly with a guard that's nodding back in response.
Another guard whistles which means we start as a line again and start walking out the door. There's a lot more guards today, more than usual. While they all lead us out, noticing after time. We're becoming more near for the leaders room direction. Head master.

The great doors open wide, showing the head master grinning ear to ear covered head to toe with all sorts of jewels and colours, sitting at his over glorious desk.

We're aligned in front of him.
Remembering not to show any sign of being human. As if a robot, anyone higher calls us in a mocking way.
There's no way for me to try and relax in front of him for an odd reason I can't figure out.

"Ladies. You are here today for news I wanted to be the one to tell." His smile proceeds while staring at our bodies dressed in black and white. "You're all assigned work finally with your earning years of teaching." The voice being heard sounds so excited, "You'll meet them tomorrow evening." With his nod of approval, the guards lead us out, a whistle brings us to walk back all through the white grey clean halls of decorative lights and art, to our dorms.

On our way we spot another line of girls looking scared and on their way to the head masters.
Another group just arriving. Younger and new, at the sight of it, most likely still having their past memories. That's what we figured on why they're so frightened. By we, I mean me and what looks obvious.

We pass each other and their existence erases from my thoughts, knowing they aren't important for what I need to know. That's what is taught.

——It's late, today was one of our hardest exercises. We've been trained well with physical fitness but I'm not sure if their intentions were to get us this sore.

Hearing the others cry of happiness as the hot water hits their skin.
The sudden pleasure brings us joy. To what I've read, it's needed in humans.

Thinking of school. We all graduated and ready for our first group to care for. Being just told today we're starting right away tomorrow.

During our schooling way back. It's reading, being taught mathematics and being in medical class. Other training including care taking. Cleaning anything, showing how to care for whoever we're assigned to, that's what we're told we'll be used in the near future.

——Taking the sheet of foam made specificity for each of our body types, placed in the closet we own.
For a guard to lead me and the other girl to whatever dorm we're sleeping in tonight.
The guard hands us our sleeping pills as we entered the room.

Fixing the bed to then realize, the girl that's here is the one that tries to talk to me at night. 105. She uses morse code. It's either "May sleep be well" or "May love be what you feel". It's comforting in a way nevertheless we're all disciplined for if there's any feeling towards one another. Love.. Love isn't anything we were taught.

Then the silent knocking starts, hearing each tap to read, F-O-R T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W...
Then more silence. I wasn't sure if I should wait for more but knowing it's possible she took her pill.

Muscles tense. Getting up to try stretch it out any way I can.

A whistle. We line up as we're being handed each a bag of morning cleaning.
——after getting dressed, we wiped the halls clean from any sign of dust and or bacteria.
Our last time in this place as we're all packed into a van.
It's clean and slick with amazing material.
On our way, there's a town and the place we were in was a great house building. Outside some forrest and houses but no people. We look out the windows and admire the view of wild life we've only seen from a distance from the tall building we were in and shown on the textbooks we were assigned.
Then with no warning, black shields slide down to cover what we saw.

Yay I hope this kind of thing you guys can enjoy and understand 💕 this is only the beginning to what I have planned.

Freedom( BTS x READER ) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat