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Taehyung's POV
104, her smooth skin sweating to our movements creating such the feeling of heaven. Her heavy breathing causing me to harden when inside her warmth, the loud screams from her fill the room. Saying my name under her breath. Grabbing my hair. scratching my skin as she's in her fullest pleasure. Because I need her to be at all times.

"Tae." Jungkook's voice harshly takes me away from my gaze. Shit. I was only thinking of it all. I hum in response to him, "What are you doing for your short break?" lately Jungkook has been keeping himself busy since 104 left. "I don't know." I say nervously as I stare down at my crotch, damn it.. I'm hard.
"Excuse me I have to use the restroom."
He waves as I dash out the room with my bag covering what needs to be hidden.

——I'm sure it's just how hot she is what draws me to her.. she is weird too. And that's it, I can't tell Jimin or Jungkook I really like her because I can picture us fucking... that wouldn't be good at all. Plus I can tell how much she means to Kookie. And Jimin? Well he seems to care too.. when she's back I really need to control myself.

——After our break, then the rest of our training. Today was easier compared to last week.
I'm planning to go to the masters door again to ask him where our dearest 104 went. I should really make it seem like I only noticed she disappeared because we can't get too close to the maids. I think. No one ever mentioned it, there are many rules to follow in this building but never I heard of.. hooking up with a worker.

No no, no thoughts on that now.

Jimin's POV
——It's been six days since we've seen her.
"Maybe I've gotten her in trouble?!" Jungkook's worried voice asks out loud to himself. I sit here with him, we just came back from our daily quest to the masters door. Asking him where she went. Acting as if we don't care yet want a worker back. We used that she was one of our best and need her for our latest hard workmanship.

The crazy ass master took that and will do his best to his ability for her to come back... I wonder where she went. Like for training? Why would master try get her back though?


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