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104's POV
I still can't understand this.. in this situation I remember Master- other Masters taken pleasure to make me cry his name in pain.. at this moment my Master Taehyung wants me to squirm with enjoyment. Because on what's he's doing to me right now I can't handle. I want to pull away from this delight, I'm not trained to stay in this but I'm taught to serve so I will stay.

Squirming on his lap, the noises he tells me to let go is nothing I've ever heard of.

My neck is in true bliss, well where it's going, the sparks shoot down from my back and every where else. The spot he keeps at, he knows I can't stand it. But why.

The point finally comes through where I slap my palm against my mouth to stop from screaming....
He chuckles as he leans back, easily seen his swollen, saliva covered lips.
"You like that?" His smile lets me relax some how. "Y-yes Master."
"You taste good."
I do? How does my neck taste like anything?

Some silence goes as there's nothing else to do but stare at one another.
"Are you going to be taken away from me again?" His low voice breaks the silence.

"By the sounds of it," I pause. "Yes."

He feels disappointed again, "But they said I'm still allowed here for you Master."

Still disappointed.
"I don't know what I can do to help any more, Master." He sighs then turns away. Lips against together so tight. "I know." Relaxes his body and faces me, I fix myself on his lap which makes him blush looking at me. I tilt my head to his flustered eyes.

"You're so cute." The word cute makes me flinch. I would usually be slapped after being called that.
Cute as in for baby humans and baby animals but my cute is questionable.

"What happened? You okay?" He asks worriedly. "Yes Master." I nod and keep straight for him.

"You're not." He says lowly to convince me.
"I sense I'm no good for you right now, perhaps I can com back-," "104, I'm sorry. I just want to make sure you're okay.."
"I understand." I say, not sure what to do next.

Readers POV
Taehyung next places his hands on her thighs to lift her up on the soft bed, clearly the mood of kissing has left. Serious face on him as he sits there and thinks while staring at his robot.

——/at the main office\ The main master sits at his desk, a frustrated setting as his guards and assistants all stand there as much as upset looking.
They're all expecting the richest man to be there soon, sitting some what patiently waiting while thinking in silence.
"What is there to do?.." The master asks.
The guards stand there sweating still from the yelling they received from this silent man just earlier.

"What is THERE TO FUCKING DO?!?" He raises his voice and throws a pen across the room. A assistant of his hurries with their small legs to return the pen to the same spot he grabbed the pen on his desk.
He sighs and holds his face, looking down with furrowed brows.

"It's not like we can fake her death and get away with it." He sighs after saying and lets his head thump the desk below him.

His face expression changes as he thinks about it.. "Wait.." The guards take attention as his smirk starts to become brighter, "can we actually?" He springs up and pats one of the close guards arms to follow him with joy.

He stops in place to look at his watch, "We have enough time and if we don't I'll make two of you to stay for our newest arrival." He continues to skip away as the two biggest men he pointed at stayed in nervousness, expecting the meanest man known as the richest to be here early and yell for the master to hurry.

As for the guards who follow their master gladly go along and sigh with relief that the master thought of something and took them along with. The two guards in the back look at each other rather confused, you can tell by their body language it's a strange time to start this kind of job as a guard here.

The Master skips down the hall, jumps in place while on the elevator with excitement then strolls down another hall to a secret held door, to another small elevator.. then finally it's the lab.

His face clearly excited as he sees the aged lady in the lab coat.
"Oh darling~,"
He chimes at his loving wife.
Her usual grumpy self changes as soon as she sees her long time lover. She bounces from her chair and squeals for him as they hug each other, "hello beautiful." They both smile after hugging, she tilts her head at him to question. "What brings you here?~" Holding a hug still he replies excitingly, "I figured something out!!"
He squeals himself and continues, "the 104 situation."
She nods and waits for him to go on.
"Can you possibly pretend to kill her when in one of your testings?"
She backs away thinks on it. "Should I make her look dead and seem dead or would we need that?"
"Ah! That would be spectacular although I don't know if we have to.. we'll have to see but I need her down here at the time and if he asks then you'll be ready and prepared."

The lady smiles at her lover to see how happy he is.

"I know how important this is, dear." She says gladly as he settles down.
"I've been doing this job for so many years, I want to continue." She nods to his saying and mouths out 'me too' .

The guards still in awe through that whole scene to firstly see the lab lady happy and truly in bliss.

"Right." The Master tells, bringing the attention from the guards and his two assistants. "Let's get this prepared."

As he leaves he blows a kiss to the hard working woman of his life and the elevator doors close. They all exit and continue the great halls to whichever jobs they need done.

The two new guards are left alone in one hallway in there quest to receive number 104.

They walk as one speaks, "I heard they can do this in secret and it's been done many times in different situations."
The other nods and looks at him. "And don't forgot that most servants actually do die from their 'testings' but barely do here because of that lady down there."
"I didn't know that."
They both stand at the callers office.
"We need to ask where 104 is right now."
The worker on the other side of the glass nods and types in their device.
"Number 104 is in service at the moment with one of the three it serves."

They both nod and turn around to discuss what to do. "Should we call in to see what master thinks?" The other nods so the first taps on his wrist to contact him.

"Yes? Hello what is it?"
"Sir, we have been informed that number 104 is in service from one of the three."
"Ahh, hm just check in a little bit to let them finish. It's going to be awhile till she sees them again."
"Yes Sir, we got that."
He ends the call and they both continue down the hall.


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