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104's POV
I sit here as Master Taehyung holds me in his warm embrace. Our legs crossed and fingers tangled as he still thinks. Frustration yet relaxation from his body.
It's dimmed lighting but I choose to start playing with Master Taehyung's fingers after staring at them for so long.
I've never seen any mans hands like his, maybe Sir Jimin or Sir Jungkook but still..

His nails so pretty with slender fingers.
I continue but feel his feelings in awe,
"104." I let go of his fingers.
"Master?" I ask as he holds me tighter.
"Can I ask what your actual name is?"

I lay in silence as I think. "I'm not sure, forgive me Master."
"No need to apologize." He sighs and parts us, laying on his back. I sit up and look behind me to see his eye gaze, sweetness goes all around the room, almost flooding as he parts his lips. His thoughts almost seem lovely and innocent.

"You're beautiful." His voice in all seriousness breaks my focus, I feel nothing but confusion to his words.
How can someone serving him be called such a high name. I'm not sure exactly what the meaning is but I'll except it if it helps him.

"Thank you Master." I say blankly but try to show appreciation, I fail and turn to face the floor where my skirt still lies.

Frustration fills his mind again, "What can I do to help you before you sleep, Master?"
Some quietness fills the room for a few seconds,
I turn my head to him but realize he fell asleep. Peacefully he lets go of any anger and breathes deeply.

I sit for a few minutes making sure he was fully sleeping. Getting up to pull my skirt up and find my belt, opening the door to a cold dark hallway.

On my way I sense the other two, Jungkook still awake..

'Jungkook?' I dare myself to ask out.
I know the ones I serve are the only ones that should call out but he needs something, someone.

'Wa- 104. Is that you?'
"Sir, you need me?'

"I do please come right away!'

'I'm in the hallway from master Taehyung's service.'

No reply as I walk to his door. Quietly knocking but suddenly the door opens to only a hand quickly grabbing my arm to come in.
To my surprise he pulls me in for a warm hug and joy covers him.

He breathes harshly and pulls away with flushed cheeks, "Are you okay?"
"Yes, Sir would you like anything to help you sleep?" I bow and look at him.
"I'm fine for now. I'm just glad you're here."
His eyes widen and let go of my wrists in scared for marks then seeing none. He grabs my arms and looks carefully, "They took care of you?!" I nod, "Yes master they did."

His smile widens fully then turns and drags me to his bedside.

I'm not sensing any tiredness but blame it on my senses most likely being slow still.

His warm hands let go, I stand in front of him as he sits down on his bed. Feeling that he's amazed I'm here.
"Sir," he hums in response as I think. "You don't have any marks either."
He smiles and looks at himself, pulling up his sleeves to reveal clear arms.

His smile dies down as he thinks, biting his lip as I stand still waiting.
"What did Taehyung need you for?" His question bites down hard. "To sleep and wanted to check on me, Sir."
He nods and looks away, "Anything else, he do anything to you?"
Anger and impatience radiating from his mind.

"He- Master-," as soon as I start talking I stutter to the thought of what he was doing to me. This triggers Jungkook to think of the worst.

"What? What did he do to you?"

"He made me sit on his lap and licked my neck."
I say blankly, making sure not to show emotion yet me uncontrollably rubbing my legs together doesn't help him grow angrier.

He tries not to get mad at me, "What else?"
His dark eyes focus on me.
"Tried to kiss me."

"Hm." He replies fast and with a stern voice he continues, "Did you like it?"
I think on what it was I felt. "I'm not sure, Sir."

"Did he touch- uhhh- your umm in between your legs?"

His face turns red and angrier.
"Did you feel sparks in your spine."
"Yes, Sir." I tilt my head slightly to how on point he was, did Master Taehyung make him feel this too?

I think as he gets up and holds my hands. Looking up at his worried eyes, I sense sorriness and frustration.

"Would you let me do that to you?" His eyes full of curiosity and happiness.
"If it helps you Sir." I say as he still feels angry.

"I'll do even better than that dumb dumb could ever do." He says under his breath.


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