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104's POV,
I left the room from the three men. The room was only the feeling of confusion and anger.

To my room I sit on my bed. Waiting. For something. Anything.

"104, 104 you're needed at the office." I nod and follow to the main office.

A guard grabs my hand to lead me in.
"104." The man at the desk says. I bow and notice a tall man at his side. In a suit, different from all the guards in uniforms and masks. Unfamiliar to where this man stands with the higher.

"This is Shang-Cheon." The slender man beside him bows.
The dim room shows his facial structure well. He needs to be fed more as hunger lingers around his body.

"Sir." I bow to them.
"He will need you at night too. He's chosen you." I nod as they both shake hands.

"Come with me 104." His low voice chimes as his form passes through the door.
I follow him through the empty halls. To his room that's far on the other side of the building.
"104." I stand near him outside his door.
"I'm allowed to keep you as long as I want. I've travelled for only the best service. You clear with that?" I nod, "Yes sir."
"104, you will refer me as your master."
"Yes Master." He unlocks the four locks on his door to a wide open room with giant windows. He turns on many lights by a switch and walks to a door.
"This is my bedroom door, that's the hallway and at the end is an office room. I will show you where you will sleep." He opens his bedroom door to reveal more space with a big bed.
He then moves to a corner door to a smaller room. "This is where you'll sleep if you have to." His stern self reflects off the one window in the room. I nod and bow. "Thank you Master."

"Now I have to do some light night training in an hour or so." He glances at his wrist watch while walking to his bathroom.
"You help me get ready then I'll send you off." I nod.
"I will call you back when it's time so be ready."
"Yes master."
——I went back to the room I share with the others after he was ready to leave. I sit at my bed with others awake at their own bed.
"104, why do you eat more than us?" 105.

I clear my throat. "105. It's simply what I need the higher knows."
"Are you sure?" Her low voice asks. "I am."
"Why are there more marks?" "It's nothing I know." I respond with no interest.

She leaves by turning around.

I wait.

"104. Come back."
Late night I get up from bed to his call.

"Master." He opens the door to let me in.
His wide shoulders seem sore and ache with anything but he chooses to ignore it.
"Yes, 104 run me a hot shower." "Very well."
I head to do so.

—He undresses to show same kind of marks on him. "May I suggest to deliver you a well needed snack?" "Yes please do so."
I nod and make my way to the kitchen.

Getting back with fruit and baked potatoes. "It shows that you need this." I tell as he's still in the steaming shower.
"Alright. Place it near my bed."
I do then. Waiting for his call,
"Get me my towel." Handing him his rag then seeing his legs limp.
"Master would you like help to your bed?" "Yes." He grabs ahold of me.

Stepping near I let him fall to sit down.
I stand in front of him as he breathes heavily.

He slowly lifts my skirt to touch my thighs. I sense curiosity
Then, "Take off your skirt." I nod and do it. Not questioning anything the master needs.

His hands held up to the sight of my naked thighs. I stand here waiting for his orders. "Come closer." His deep voice tells.
I step near to his grasp. His warm hands bring joy to the place, he tightens his grip.
"Call me Master." He demands while squeezing down.
"Master?" I question. His hands pull me onto his lap. A squeal leaves me from the surprise.


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