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"Tae." I look over at Jimin. "Hm?" "Go open the door to let her in."
I nod and make my way.

Turning the door knob to see her back side facing me. "104, you can come in now."
She turns around to then bow.
"Yes master."

As I sit as my desk chair. I notice Jungkook with anxious eyes staring at her.
His lips begin to move. "D-did you get in trouble after you were late?"
She shakes her head no, "No Sir, I wasn't in any trouble." He sighs making his chest let out the stress he was holding.
"104," Jimin calls, "Are you hurting at all?" His worried expression reaches her.
"No sir. I am perfectly fine." We all nod at her smiling.

"104, here please." I call out as she walks for me. I grab her wrists looking at her bruised arms. Thinking how tender it must be for they're fresh.
I notice just at her side an angry Jungkook staring at my hands, what they're doing as they glide across her soft skin.

"So, needles make these marks?" I ask, Jimin's breathing can be heard as she doesn't answer for some time.
Quiet in the room.
"Yes master." "What are the rest from?"
Jungkook's nose flares while probably thinking what the answer can be.
"Testings." She tells in a blank stare.
"No one means to hurt you?" I turn in my chair, letting me to be unseen to the two that stand behind 104.
I quickly move to kiss a wide bruise that covers her wrist.
"I'm sure they don't mean to leave me sore. Only to grow stronger." She replies with meaning.
"Perhaps you're right 104." Jimin says as he walks towards us.
I lift my head to grin at him. His annoyed face glares back.

"I suppose." She tells.
"Sir Jungkook. She turns around to face him.
He twists around to stare at her with hopeful eyes.
"I sense you're over tired. Would you like to go to your room and rest?"
"Thank you 104, I'm going to choose to stay here a bit longer." He replies in a tired way.

"Very well Sir." To that he smiles over his pain. He sits on my bed admiring her.
"104." I say in a low tone.

"Come here again."
She does so as I grab her wrists another time.
She gives no reaction or any way of showing pain. "Do they make you run a lot?"
"Yes master, they do."
"Do they poke you really hard?" "Yes."
"Do they test things you feel uncomfortable with?" "I was taught to not have an opinion on the pain I'm given."
My heartbeat becomes more noticeable to that answer.

Jimin leans against the walls staring at her exposed skin.

"Would they ever attach you to big machines?"
"Yes they do."
Her pulse is the same. She does have a heart, it's there.
She looks down to me as I sit in my chair, holding her dainty arms.

"Would you mind me hurting you?" I whisper slyly as she stares back.

"Taehyung. That's enough and no way to speak to her."
Jimin snaps walking to me, grabbing her badge to drag her away. I smile and grab hold of her arm. She gasps to the pain and Jungkook stands up to help Jimin.

"Tae why would you-," "Look okay I was just joking around."
"Let go of her." He demands strongly. "Okay okay see? She's fine."

"My apologies sir." She bows once she's free from the twos grasps. "No you didn't do anything wrong 104." Jungkook grabs her shoulders to assure her.

"It's been awhile since I've been able to grab hold of anyone like that, okay? What, do you want me to apologize?"
They both turn to face me. "Yes! You hurt her." "You shouldn't have done or even asked that Tae."
"Alright, 104." I say while getting up. Getting close to the short being who's eyes focus on me.
"Forgive me, that wasn't meant to be like that."
She bows and smiles. "I didn't see anything wrong with it Master. Apology accepted."
I smile to such thing she replied with.
"Alright 104. Good girl."
"Tae stop." Jungkook grits his teeth to my reaction.
"Tae we all should really get to bed."
"I don't trust you with her so I'm taking her with me." Jungkook walks near 104 and lightly grabs her fingers. Watching her with careful eyes as she follows him.
"No Jungkook wait! 104 stop." I say as she stops. He stops in place confused looking back at me with angry eyes. "What is it?" "I apologized, just let me keep her." "Keep?" Jimin repeats,
"Do you really think that was enough?" Jungkook asks being stern and not noticing how tight he grabbed hold of her wrist.

I look down to her holding pain in her eyes.
"Jungkook." I say.
"Sirs, master. I seem to be making a fight, I can leave to prevent it all."
"Maybe that's best you guys." Jimin says with shyness.


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