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104's POV
"Sir, I am not sure what you mean but I am here for your care."
He doesn't reply, only staring at the floor with passion.

"It's okay 104. Why don't you take a small break?" He says smoothly, looking up at me as I stare with no emotion.
"A break?"
"Mhm." "I'm not sure Sir Jungkook."

He sighs softly and looks at me sweetly, "104, can you sit down for me? Right here." He pats down on the bed as he stands away. I do so and fix my skirt. "Sir."

"Can you say me name?" His gentle voice continues with hope and kindness.
Clearing my throat, watching his eyes stare passed mine. "Jungkook"
With only a reaction of licking his lips, he turns around and all I feel from him is excitement.

"Can you lay down on the bed please?"
"Yes Sir." That's a simple commandment. I follow him, staring up at the high ceiling ready for him to continue.

"Are you comfortable?"
"Your bed is soft, Sir."
"Glad to here." He replies happily, walking to his desk and turning on the little lamp, my eyes carry along his movements as he reaches his door to switch the light off.

I look up again as he makes his way for the bed again. "Turn to your side please." Asking politely, I turn and shift around from my skirt being in the way.
Shivers go everywhere as he comes from behind and wraps his arms around my waist, he's warm as ever and it's comfortable feeling it from against the cold room. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself just to cuddle with you."
"Yeah, cuddling is when you hug each other in bed or somewhere comfy." He's cheerful.

"Oh, Master Taehyung and I cuddled too." His grip tightens and feeling of anger crawl from him.
"Is it something I said?"
"Of course not. Are you warm enough?"
"I am thank you, although my skirt is bothering me. Is it okay if I can remove it?" I ask politely, feeling tired so soon.

"That's fine, I'll get up out of your way."

I sense and remember what they most like, I have an idea. "Actually, Sir?" I ask as I sit on the edge of the bed, he stands a couple feet away turned away with his hand in his hair.
"Hm?" His husky self responds.
"I was wondering if I could ask a simple favour."

His back still facing me I continue, "Since you love to help me so often, could you possibly help undress me?"
His back muscles show so clearly through his long sleeve night shirt, tensing up he fills with joy and emotions.
I smile and pat my back on understanding them more.
"Are you sure?" He turns around with pink cheeks, his features different from the low light. I nod and lift my legs for him.

He walks slowly towards me with excitement all around, placing his fingers on my slippers and throwing them to the side. I start to unbuckle but his hand interrupts me from doing so, looking up to his curious eyes placed on my belt. I let go so he goes on to help.

I stand up as he tugs on my waist line. He slides the skirt down, crouching down to my feet, I step out of the clothing, he takes his time near my thighs, feelings and thoughts of fun times and happiness with it.

"It's nice to see you without those horrible marks." His heartbeat is well over heard on how close he is, I stand in front of him and can't help to shiver at the cold biting my exposed skin.
He notices and hand gestures to his bed. I smile at the size and warmth it must bring.

I crawl in first, moving the covers on top but holding an end up for Sir Jungkook. "Sir, cuddle?"
Hoping I asked properly. "Yes please." He smiles with warmth radiating from all over.

Both on our sides, we cuddle. He holds me in his heating wide lock, I shift more into his chest, movements making him happy.
With the feeling of 'home' I rub my legs together for comfort. A habit I could never come over.
This movement brings Sir Jungkook happiness and excitement so I continue, with one of his hands holding my shoulders he grips harder and breathes heavily.
Sensing bliss, I question why he would be like this. Then shortly after his hand goes down to my thigh, softly sliding around to feel, squeezing softly at any thigh fat he can. It brings chills and makes me giggle.
Rubbing my legs still, it brings me joy and realizing this break was very needed, Sir Jungkook is so kind and gentle.

With this I feel a large poke at my leg every time I reach Sir Jungkook's body. I don't stop and notice how Sir Jungkook keeps clenching his jaw, sharp breaths leave him and I recognize what kind of noice it is. It's similar to what Master Taehyung made me sound like.

Sir Jungkook's hands still at my thighs, reaching my inner thigh makes me twitch to how sensitive I feel there.

"104, do you have any idea on what you're doing to me?" He cries out in pleasure. "I'm not fully sure, Sir."
He places his head at my shoulder, making his short breaths more clear.

I know it's my leg that's doing something, that thing that's down there is a man part.. just like how my woman part gets I'm guessing he's all flustered from.. hmm. Okay.

I focus on rubbing slowly what's poking through his pants, that seems to bring more happiness from his mind.
He's getting warmer by the second. I hold onto his shoulders as he twitches and holds me closer.

This brings me somewhere. Somewhere I'm not familiar enough with, like a pleasant place in which nothing can go wrong.

His harsh 'Ah-'s, and huffs make me tingle in such way.
"This is something you enjoy?" I ask softly, this makes him sparkle in his mind so I continue with, "Sir Jungkook I am sorry that my leg is getting tired."

He stops my leg by grabbing it hard, slowly looking up at me with a sweaty fringe and open mouth. "Sit up."
I do fast as it sounds urgent.
He sits up and pats his lap, I furrow my brows as I sit down, feeling his large hands on my hips.
I look away as something sparks my parts. I squeal and grab hold of his shoulders as we grind on one another.

His breathing becomes uneven once again and so does mine as we both create something so warm. My panties become wet as the friction continues so rhythmic, I try keep up but it's so new I can't help but try get away, his hands keep me put to the tempo.

This feeling here is the only thing that can make me cry this way I'm sure, I attempt to flow with him as true pleasure overflow our minds. I didn't know this was such a feeling to exist.
He gasps for air and let's me down onto the cold bedding, I'm gladly grateful for I curl up and hold my below from the satisfaction.


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