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His piercing stare makes me stay.
"Okay now," He says as he looks down to scratch, making lines along my thighs.
"Will you do anything for me?" He asks quietly.
"Yes Master."
He nods as if satisfied.

"Okay let me sleep now." I get off of him while he wiggles his way to the centre.
"Sleep at my feet." He demands after some time. Although I'm not tired, But I must do as he says.

——"104?" A voice whispers through masters light snore. "Jungkook?" I ask back.
Not knowing before that I can respond.
"You can talk back? Where are you? I want to apologize in person."
I'm set at masters feet, the warm blanket underneath moves as I shift around.

"I can't get out, I'm working right now." I say.
"But 104, I feel the need to apologize in person." He pleads.

"Another time Sir. I apologize now for not being able to come." "Ah- right it's okay. I can wait."

——"You will sleep in your room here today. I have many books I enjoy and other activities in my office." I bow as he rushes out the door.

Tiredly I set myself to walk to the given room.

——"You're a servant. Get up." His voice rings loud as I start to wake.
"Yes master please forgive me."
"I came back early."
I nod and follow him to his room.
"Alright so," he pulls out a briefcase. "This will help a lot." He pulls out a vial, next a needle to suck up the serum inside.

"104. Turn around."

I do it, I wait for the pain.
All I feel so suddenly is the rod sliding in.
Quickly, all at once I hear muffled voices and noises.
My eyes roll back as I fall into his arms. His breathing still very clear next to my ear. "You'll be able to move and work functional but it slows down those known powers of yours."
The voice chimes through everything. I feel him throw me onto his bed.
"This will be given every day, as I need you. Trust me, when I say; nothing is going to get any easier for you."

——I sleep. Sleeping at least I feel as if I am.

As I wake up. His lights are still on. The curtains are opened to let late daylight creep in. The smell of food make me warm. What is this? I can't hear anything at all, near this room nor in my mind.

He steps in the room. Not noticing I was up. "Master?" I ask trying to sit up. Being stopped by chains tightly around my bruised wrists.

"Huh, you have awaken my lovely bunny."
His smile brings me sick. I lay here confused on what confusion is. I've never thought on my own like this? Why am I tied up? What is he thinking? I can't sense anything!!

"Don't worry my love. I let you sleep for a reason."
I look at him.
"Do you not remember anything? Cute."

He steps closer in his robe. My heart beats faster as his exposed skin shines to my eyes.

"You're going to listen to me. Do as I say. Let me do whatever I want. You're going to cry, scream, plead for forgiveness. Question why you're here. Well," he goes on as I hear and process his scares words.
"You're here for me." He finishes.

"Ah see? That's what I love the most. It's here, the fear in your eyes and body language. The way you call for me.. Now don't worry my bunny, masters here for your tears and whimpering."

I sit back as he hovers close. Hearing the chains rattle make me feel scared. The tight collar rings as I move.
I look down and touch the small bell.
"You like it? It's something I picked up just for you."


Freedom( BTS x READER ) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt