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I catch myself to sit up as he does too, breathing harsh still as we look at each other in disbelief.
I honestly feel in doubt a feeling like this can exist still yet he has the feeling of.. something like this even happening.
We both slouch to the wave of tiredness, I crawl to him as he begins to lay down, under the covers we cuddle again to peacefully sleep.

———a cold morning awaits for us both under the blankets. I woke up just earlier to see he's asleep from a long yesterday, his soft breathing calms my mind from hearing the outside of this room, people's loud thoughts and rush of their feelings keep me from relaxing at all times.
Except for now of course, it's new to me on this blissfulness morning. Still dark out and in his room.
I stare up at his resting face, his hair placed perfectly on his forehead.

What am I doing.
I've been asking this for the past long while now. This helps him for sure but what is it doing to me?

I better get up.
I sense he's so into his rest I wouldn't bother him while getting out of his bed, I put my skirt on properly and look in a mirror to fix my hair.

Walking along the cold early hallway. It's before sunrise. Soon the pretty orange will peak in the windows.

'104? Ohh bunny~ my love I am waiting for you here.'

The sudden hearing of Satan himself brings shocks to my legs. I stop in place and tear up.

I start my way to his needs immediately to avoid any trouble.

At his door I feel coldness and emptiness, only knowing it's not the room I'm reading, but only his true emotions.
I enter after softly knocking. Peaking in to see him crouched over a table with a cup in hand.

"Master." I quickly bow and walk to him. His smile is cheerful and he fills with happiness.

But soon the energy changes. His laugh starts as fun chuckles to slowly be crazed laughter, overshadowed eyes pierce my being. I stand back and tilt my head down to the sight.
His steps are heard coming near, the laugh a couple notches lower as his hand reaches underneath my chin, grabbing hold sharply. His lips part, "They," he chuckles evilly again, "They are trying to take you away from me?!"
I feel much anger from his body.

"They have some nerve."
He relaxes a bit by letting go of me and walking to his beverage. I'm let to also after he stays where he's at.

"Good news is, ... they gave up soon after trying to make a deal. Silly fools tried but let someone as worthless as you go so easily."

I stand still hearing these words he speaks.

"It's not like I need to show them I am the one higher than all, I don't need to prove it but it's the thrill seeing anyone hurt or- or ah it's just so much I can't help myself to enough of it."

"Plus they told me I was as equal as those little squirms who train 'for the real world' pfft, lab rats. Pathetic peasants at this beautiful building. I am no boy who cries over working out. And they want you back? Why on earth would they care for an ugly robot." He turns around and grabs his lower self that has grown in size, like Sir Jungkook last night, though I have never seen it like this before.

The sick feeling he overflows the room gives me shivers along my body in a unwanted way.
"You're mine, my love." His words hurt my heart as he grabs my wrist to pull me into the traumatized room I know too well.

He quickly undresses himself and flies to his bed, the sickly thoughts make me tear up but I fight it as best as I can. Waiting for him to make his next move.

—————What seems like forever, what seems like only my future and past, I lay dead on the stiff bedding, so weak from his shots, slaps and insults. The long eared headband beside me in view. I can't move in fear of the man washing up from another session we had. The little bell at my neck is sickening.

Either closed eyes or blurry ceiling that I see, along the bedside I can barely handle the gadgets he used on me.

It's cold yet burning from his left markings.

I've been sleeping and crying so much I don't know how much time past by, not like he would tell.

My eyes start to burn even more as I start crying again, surprised I even have any liquids left. With that I gave up trying to wipe the sticky wetness away from my face, it hurts even more with the chains noice and force against my tender raw skin.

I hear him singing in the shower, humming ready still he's in bliss from the way he can treat me.

The windows curtains closed yet after some time I manage to see some natural sunlight peak through cracks. Sadly knowing I can only think of the feeling of warmth through memory yet it hurts to even try remember something so beautiful.

My sore limbs and throat all attack me as I twitch to master exiting his bathroom. His smile furrows my brows as he stares at my curious scared eyes.
I know I shouldn't give him what he wants but.. I'm trained to.

'Knock knock knock.' The knocking gives me hope, I cry again and whimper softly to who it may be.

The monster grunts loudly and dries his hair quickly to stumble out the room , "Yes?" His question I hear so gentle from the front door.

"We have been asked to check on number 104 maid and bring her for her annual testings."

A guard I'm guessing testifies as I listen for a response.

I dare not to scream in pain when I hear the front door slam shut, the sound of my chains rattling bring him to stomp inside, raising his hand violently. Shutting my eyes I expect a loud slap against my thigh.

A random manly voice calls, I look up to see many black covered men holding there machines at the rich man standing above me.


Freedom( BTS x READER ) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن