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"Sir." I bow then enter the room seeing other men in suits with their own tablets.

"104, you were chosen for night service. You will be sleeping during the day then assist your men at night."
I bow to his strong voice then head towards the others.

Their expressions change as they see me.
Not thinking of it I stand in line as the men tap away on.. studies?

"Now attention!" A man yells. With that we align to his way.
"You all know that this is a change for that before it was requested that they need help at night."
We nod, as he checks his board.
"104." I step forward, "You are needed at the masters office."
I bow after being freed to the long blue hallway.

At the entrance I'm greeted by the tall man I've seen so many times. "104. Glad you came as fast as you can. You've been specially selected by the lady in blue for your expertise." He gives a sly smile while we walk in.

A needle. The feeling of rush sleep coming over.

——"Wake up 104." The lady speaks loudly.
I wake up strapped down on a cold table, only wearing a thin gown. All too familiar but then there's something new, screens that are faced away from me beep and make noice as I do my best to remember anything.
The aching comes and follows along my body, the many needles that entered my skin left dark discoloured marks that are obvious along the pale sickly surface I own.

Many kinds of information and codes I feel inside the mind that's controlled which gives great pain and trouble to open my eyes to the brightness of blue lights.
"It's absolutely marvellous on what we found. That you can do. What you can do is beyond what others have been able to do at any time before."
I lay here listening to her echoing tones, irritating how everything was so still yet it's all in motion.

"We need more done though. You will be taken away for us for only a week. That's not much time from your sorry life." She keeps adding as the blood in my body gets louder.
——Breathing hard again. The sweat covers me and the clothes I was given. The tubes and strings from the ceiling dangle at my side as I run on a treadmill that changes speeds. Feeling the energy from another shot they've forced into my aching temple of being, waiting for it to ware out as it goes through my blood.

The soul I know I have, disappeared from my form and vanished because it couldn't take the discomfort, the suffering. But I'll keep going.

"That's right now it's shown that you can take more than an hour left." The person behind the speaker has been repeating that the last three hours.
The cold going to hot then cold to warm to change to hot, blue room starts to look as if it's spinning. My body gives up going limp only to be caught by the straps I'm connected to.
The mirror at my side gives off a satisfied customer with a good way of knowing what can happen.
I'm zapped by someone behind me. "Aggh!" My sore dry throat roars in pain as the shock hits.

"No reading!" The lady yells in the mic.
——'Mind tunnels.' I've heard her say before bringing me to that room. The room where I'm connected to this machine that shows what you're going through in your mind. I'm assuming it's like that. There's no way I can ask or know.

——"104. You need to rest. We will be giving you this shot to sleep and wake up feeling better. This is our way on training your body to be better."
A man tells as he injects me with the rod of pain. Then relaxation.
——More needles. More running. More tubes and machines that connect. There was a break day to let my body heal from such stress. Then back to building muscle and skills. Mind games I feel I've already solved. More sleep. More meals. More needles. More zapping as my mind breaks through there's. More mind games of anything now.

——I'm back. The blue bright hallways leading to the room holding the others.
"104. You will need to sleep," as he hands me a sleeping pill I give all my life to not feel exhausted. "You will need the rest for your first night service." I bow and enter the room the the girls getting ready to shower.

I look at my bed that's been untouched but then head to the hot steaming shower room. Taking my clothes off slowly being aware of every one of my movements ache my tender body. Also slowly revealing the new blemishes and wounds. The girls give feeling in their face for the first time nevertheless they go on to what they're supposed to do.

I step into the moist room and admire such feeling of release. The warm hot mix changes as the relaxing water runs down my shape.

"104." I hear from my side. A sound of a young woman gives me chills as I haven't heard anything like it before in so long.
I look over to the others still doing their own thing. Taking my time to carefully read their feelings only to give up on enjoying the hot again.

——The time I have to wake up. Not much of any headaches in the last hour is finally taking my mind at ease. I stand at my bed side waiting.

"104? It's Jungkook. Are you there?" The sweet voice calls out with shyness.


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